
member since 2013

Recent Reviews3 total

Lemon Haze

Smoked a joint on the wharf outside the SF Ferry Building. Perfect weed for a sunny afternoon. A really nice buzz. Clear, fun and hits all the notes. Share it with a friend, great for laughing and talking. Also got lots of creative thoughts. A real mind-tingler.

Blackberry Kush

Got this from a dispensary in downtown Oakland. A new one for me. First I've got to say this: this weed smells great! The smell is a bit like the blueberry strain, but fruitier and very hashy. Really pleasant. You can sit there just inhaling the unlit buds. The buds look slightly purplish, tight and resinous. The smoke is very fruity and a bit harsh. Smoked this one evening, by myself at home. Had a stressful day of work and thought this was the perfect time. The strain really delivered. I became very relaxed and happy. After a couple hits I could feel tight muscles soften and relax. I relaxed into my couch and felt really good and positive. Watched two episodes of Walking Dead and thought both were hilarious (but then, I would have probably found anything hilarious). Ate some chocolate ice cream that tasted like it came from heaven. I thought this strain would then knock me out, but I didn't feel particularly sleepy, just really chilled out. Went to bed anyone and had a period of visuals - some trippy intersecting lines and stuff. Almost never have visuals of any sort, so that was a good bonus. All in all really good evening chill-out weed. Thumbs up!

King's Bread

Got this from a dispensary in downtown Oakland. I like Sativas but am always a bit skeptical, as they vary a lot with me. Also I had tried Lambsbread before and was not impressed (Kings Bread is apparently a close relative). So getting this strain was a bit of a gamble. But it was surprisingly good - I had a nice trippy time. Read on for the details: The buds are tight and nice-looking with frosting, but not spectacular. The scent is that of strong pine and cut grass. The setting was Market St in SF. I was with some friends, had a pipe and decided to light a bowl up. Two quick tokes and then the result was pretty quick. Within a minute I had the start of a headband effect. As the minutes went by I became very uplifted and happy. Very happy with the walk, the weather, the trees, my friends, the seagulls, my shoelaces, everything. Everything looked nice and sunny, even the homeless guys. We passed it around and after a couple bowls everyone was in great spirits. I was in a Sativa haze leaving them, but didn't really know just how high I was. The ride back on muni was fascinating. Made it home and then ate a prodigious amount of cheese crackers. A fun weed. No paranoia or anxiety (although I am resistant to both). A bit of dry eye after a few hours. Quite a mellow come-down.