
member since 2014

Recent Reviews3 total


This is funny, because this is my second Harlequin review - but this is for the flower form. I use medicinally for chronic pain. I'm getting to be a bit more knowledgable now, so my review will be slightly more informed. So in flower form, Harlequin is thus far my favourite medicine. I take three puffs and get a wonderful body high that just takes my pain away. It's not that I don't notice it anymore, it's that it feels like its gone. It makes me SO happy to not feel my pain. Note that I have fibromyalgia and degenerative disc in my lower back, to for me to not be feeling my pain seems like somewhat of a miracle. I very much want to try it in a pen vape cartridge, if I can find one without any glycols. I realized that my problem with Black Cherry Soda was the glycol in the cartridge, which gave me migraines (I also have chemical sensitivity). So this will completely contradict my first Harlequin review, in which I gave it one star....in oil concentrate form. I have since realized that it was just that if I took too much, it gave me anxiety, but if I keep my doses really low, I'm great with it.

Green Goddess Remedies

My husband it's my caregiver, and he went on for me for the first time. We had a lot of questions about strains I researched on leafly, ways to ingest without smoking, and edibles that have no gluten or corn. The staff there was so helpful and friendly and knowledgeable, my husband was really impressed. He came home with a whole bag of goodies for me to try, from flower to shatter to snacks. I look forward to a low passion day so I can go on and see them myself, because my husband raved about their service and knowledge. They even have high CBD dog treats for pups in pain. How cool is that???

Black Cherry Soda

I actually quite liked Black Cherry Soda at first. It was recommended to me to help me sleep and to calm my brain at night (to help me sleep). But I've actually found I prefer it as a daytime strain. Although it isn't the most active of feelings, I am able to get tasks accomplished while using it, like chores, banking online, and my crafts. I wouldn't say I feel clear- headed, but I feel lucid enough to communicate effectively and not come off as "stoned" though I can't say I don't feel high. It does relax me, make my pain much less significant - like I just pay less attention to it but also I seem to get some relief - a little anyway. But after using it awhile, in liquid pen vape form, I noticed I began to get headaches whenever I would use it. And I think that is the delivery system and not the strain itself. It started after I used it for a full day rather than just once, and it happened every time I'd use it. So I went down to once a day again, and it continued, even continuing to give me a headache the day after I had used it. I know it was this because I am damn familiar with my own body and all the different kinds of pain I experience, and this was a new one. I don't even know how to explain it. So I stopped, went to my edibles, no headache. I am positive it is the glycerin medium used in making the liquid and not the strain itself. I'm going to test my theory by getting a gram of BCS flower to dry vape or smoke. I'll report back if that also gives me a headache or not.