
member since 2017

Recent Reviews2 total

Silverstreak Solutions

There’s a reason there are so many 5 star reviews, and it’s not because this place is any good. It’s because they have a “deal:” give your driver a 5 star review, and you can get a $1 pre roll! Except when I DID review, the driver didn’t have it, but that’s not actually why I’m here right now. No, I’m writing this review right now because we’re all stuck at home, which leaves us (the consumer) at the mercy of our SAVIORS, the weed delivery people, so I feel I should warn you all of what this place does. I’ve been ordering from SilverStreak for about a year. Beginning was fine. Weed quickly, cheap prices, every so often they’d screw up an order, and I’d give them the benefit of the doubt because it was recreational. Fun is fun, right? However the quality of delivery started to dip around three months ago. Drivers would not follow simple directions, Bring the wrong item, etc., however what CHANGED is that now instead of saying “oh shoot, whoops.” They’re trying to gaslight me into thinking I messed up. Never mind that I have email and text receipts proving the contrary...no, a few drivers would say “this is stronger though...”(it wasn’t. All I had to do was look it up to see she was lying...), probably because, I’m going to assume, they’re lazy OR too embarrassed to admit their error. Still, whatever. Weed is weed, beggars can’t be choosers, even though i, you know...ORDERED something for a reason. Then it started to become a joke. We order a vape pen. An indica vape pen. A strong indica vape pen. Now I probably don’t need to tell you all the difference between indica and sativa, but apparently someone needs to tell SilverStreak. The driver brings us a hybrid vape pen. Not indica, like ordered. A random hybrid. She even said, AGAIN, “this ones stronger though.” Looked it up, and not only was it NOT stronger, it was WAAAAAAAAY weaker. I tell her I want what i ordered, and she gets a look like I asked her to kill a dog. Brows went up, mouth agape, struggling to speak. I don’t get the vape pen until three hours later, where a big dude comes up and says “yo I had to go to warehouse to get this.” Cos that’s my problem, right? The customer should KNOW IMMEDIATELY what a random driver has at All Times! “They were like ‘yeah, this guy has a super specific order.’” ALMOST LIKE IT WAS AN ORDER OFF A MENU!! Shocking. So we get that, and foolishly give SS one more chance. Now I’m going to put a driver on blast here. If DANNY is dealing with your order? Cancel it. DANNY is a thief. We ordered three items (again, I have the emails and texts as proof, SilverStreak. I guess I’m more professional than y’all...) and we received two of them. An email was sent stating as such, we confirmed the new price is 92.78. DANNY tells us a price of 92.78, which I then give him. HOW SPECIFIC, this price of 92.78, right? DANNY gave me 5 bucks change and he wanders off to do God only knows what. We then received an email saying “hey, we got this other weed. New price is 177 and change.” I say “Danny already came and I gave him 92.78. I paid for what he had and what y’all quoted me.” They didn’t respond (I’m gonna ASSUME again, because they were embarrassed.) THE NEXT DAY, we get an email saying that we can’t order anything else until we pay what we owe. Ok. You reading at home, I’m sure you can see where this is going. These guys tried to claim that DANNY gave us the three items but only ACCEPTED 92.78. They even said “otherwise, his cash box would be way short.” Cos that matters to the customer, right? I now have to do DANNY’s job so he can save face? Cool. We emailed back, telling them what REALLY happened, and they took no responsibility. They just COULDNT FIGURE IT OUT. It’s not hard. They know what they did. The end of the night comes, and I get a call from them. By this point, I’ve already emailed back ALLLLLLL of this info and said “we’re done.” But no, they call and then say “we’re here with your order” What order, I ask. “Uhhh the order from yesterday?” Now, I told them what to do with that order because frankly, SilverStreak is run by children. If I had accepted ANYTHING from this random driver, who knows what they could have charged me for. Did I ever hear back from them? No. Ever receive an apology? No. EVEN IF they were going to GIVE ME THAT WEED FOR FREE, none of it mattered because they could not get enough ADULTS in one room to formulate an apology. I’m going to give an analogy here. Say you order from a local pizza place. They get your first orders right, it’s great. Awesome! New pizza place! Then they start giving you meatball subs instead of a pepperoni pizza. Ok! Sorry for our mistake! We’ll fix it. Then it happens AGAIN. This time the driver says “it’s just as good as a pizza tho...” you say nah, driver has a tantrum, they send a new guy WITH your pizza, and he makes some cOoL gUy comment about how “this order is so specific.” Yeah. Cos it’s an ORDER. Then the NEXT time, they send you a kids cheese pizza and breadsticks, you say “I’m done...just give it.” And THEN they say you can’t order until you pay for the stuff they DIDNT give you. You wouldn’t stand for it, would you? Don’t stand for it just because it’s weed. SilverStreak looks DOWN on its customers as DUMB STONERS that don’t know what’s going on, and when they realize you ARENT? They play victim and try to paint you as a thief. Go to theReUp. Go to GoTreez. Hell, grow your own. Just don’t give these fools a DIME of your hard earned money. And DANNY is an idiot.

Northstar Holistic Collective

Northstar is a primo spot. Great location in a cool area, good staff, and great herb. Plus $50 1/2 oz ! Great stuff.