
member since 2020

Recent Reviews1 total


For me it is real great for headache, anxiety, helps to calm down, feels really comfortable and really brings me inside the talk with good laughs and some of euphoric effects, mess a little with my focus and perception of time, but gives me a boost of creativity, feels hungry but not too much, more like introspective, really fun. In Edibles i experienced some changes in perception of time and space, feels euphoric, crazy laughs, dream state, dry mouth. A bit harsh in troath when smoked (i think that could be reduced by a better flush dose), but tastes like floral spicy, earthy and some of sweet, perhaps (i can fell it, but is hard to describe precisely) pine/nutty and sometimes berry/apple at the end (a little bit addictive, tastes familiar), enjoyable anyway! Light up! Cheers.