member since 2023Recent Reviews4 total
Bodega Boyz - Durant
before I had received my card in the mail; my husband and I visited the front part of the store and I purchased some CBD oil for my dog and a vape battery. I very impressed with the service from the staff. A very nice lady came from the back and gave us a free vape battery for free along with a free book of papers and a box of matches. We were very pleased when we left.
So when I finally receive my card in the mail I decided to visit the store again, but this trip wasn't as impressing as the first visit.
I was disappointed with it being my very first time to be able to go to the back. 15%off is all you receive for your first time. My sister's ex boyfriend used to come here and would always tell us that he would always get a free dab or a free pre roll. So I shouldn't of just assumed that my 1st visit would be a exciting time.
You would think you would want to make sure I would leave and want to come back but that didn't happen I was very disappointed. Really 1st time patients should get maybe not just the 15%off (cause that's just basically the tax) but why not a free gram or pre roll or maybe even 15%off, free gram and pre roll.
I'm sorry to end this by saying that I will not recommend a 1sf time patients to come here. Sad that my second visit couldn't off been as satisfying as my 1st visit. That was just upfront and not in the back.
Livwell of Calera
for the visit it should of been more the just a free gram for visiting especially when it was still a new location (this location) still that isn't gonna keep me from recommending them to other ppl.