
member since 2020

Recent Reviews1 total

Banana Split

I’ve ‘heard’ that song ‘Riders On the Storm’ before plenty of times, but I’ve never really LISTENED to the song. This bud was hand picked for me by a friendly budtender at NETA in Greenfield, MA. A great strain to begin learning how to surf instead of panicking and drowning on this wave that our species is going through. What a beautiful time we live in, that the soil is rich and we have the technology to continue to grow, to teach ourselves how to do better as individuals by doing better by our communities, which affects the big picture of it all. I give this weed a 10/10 for head high 7/10 pain relief-muscles 6/10 pain relief-nerves 9/10 creative thought process 8/10 motivation 8/10 social interactions 6.5/10 ability to function in professional conversation Taste was delicious, I always love this company’s packaging, and am looking forward to repurposing it again and again. No cotton mouth, I enjoyed food, it would help with nausea if I were having any, but no extreme munchies like making white chocolate chip cookie crusted dark chocolate fudge or a dinner that got a little ‘too carried away’ with sides, and now you’re finding yourself pushing food on your plate to make room for even more sides, and you’re not even halfway through the line of bowls and have gravy on 3 separate things. Not those kind of munchies. Like, you won’t be eating like your aunt Barbara with her announcements about wearing her ‘fat pants’ during the holidays.