
member since 2019

Recent Reviews1 total

Maribis of Springfield (Recreational)

I gave the "quality" a one star because they can not seem to maintain a consistent supply of the bud everyone wants. Why do you keep getting bedford grow stuff? Nobody buys it, it sits in your inventory for weeks (sometimes months?) at a time, it's the same price as the superior growers (ATX, Rev, grassroots, etc), and it's always dry and just overall not very good, and yet it's the same price and it's always there. Please, I think I speak for everyone, drop them. Nobody wants their stuff. Especially for the price. Second thing, is what is up with all the edibles? Seriously. You have 60 different types of edibles, and again, most of them have been sitting around on the menu forever. Do you really need more than 15 types of brownie, cookie, gummies, etc? As I write this you have "57 edibles" and "40 flower" choices. Seriously? Even if edibles are popular, and they are, why would you have so many different types? Perhaps investing that money into things people actually want would be a good idea. But what do I know? Also, what's up with the deals? You guys really need to work on your "deal game." They're awful deals. One day you had a deal for "five dollars off Maribis shirts..." come one. We're not here for shirts, we want bud. Stop with these "5 dollars off an eighth of X strain." How about "5 dollars of all eighths." If you have to make a deal to try and sell a specific strain/product, please never get it again. We clearly don't want it. Also, maybe a rewards system? I am coming here quite often, I think there should be some sort of rewards system, IMO. I've spent over 5 grand in half a year and would appreciate a rewards system. And another thing, why are you guys always out of the "free" (it's actually a dollar, but whatever) prerolls we're supposed to get when we spend over 100 dollars? Every time I go it's always a coin flip if you guys have them or not. The staff is great, they're all very nice and helpful. I just really wish you guys(or whoever is in charge of inventory) would get the products in that everyone likes, and keep them in stock. Nobody wants these wacky garbage strains that are just as expensive as something that we know will be good, but we can't get the good stuff because you're out. I'll give you some hints: Grassroots, ATX, Pharmacan, Revolution, and Natures and grace. SCCS is good too. Drop bedford grow. They suck. Unless you can drop the prices, or get them to drop them. They are too expensive for the quality. Drop IESO. They also suck. Oh, and another thing, start getting more shake and popcorn nugs. They are reasonably priced and great for people on budgets, but again, like with everything else, it's incredibly inconstant when you have them, making it hard to portion out my bud when i get it. If I get a half ounce of shake, it may last me a week or so, but when I run out, there is a good chance that you won't have it when I go to get more, and I'll have to get the more expensive stuff, when I don't really need to, it's just my only option. In summary, please figure out your inventory. I'm sure all your customers would really appreciate a consistent menu. It's the only thing holding you guys back, and if you don't fix it before it goes recreational someone is going to steamroll over you guys.