
member since 2016

Recent Reviews3 total

Sour Tsunami

This another one of these A+ CBD strains. perfect for an outing, party, daytime, morning wake and bake. its just amazing. good smell, good smoke, amazing relief for anxiety, depression and pain. my batch is 5.94% thc and 13.19% cbd. basically a 2:1. it really does feel like a wash of pure relaxation, but energy as well. I actually smoked a 1/3 of a joint (plenty for me!) and later had a couple beers (spaced out over 2 hours) while at a gig. no bad side effects at all! Id say this is the perfect safe party strain. I plan on stocking up on this strain for that purpose! (also to have for mornings. and maybe even dance class haha) 10/10 would recommend.


Where do I begin? I love this strain. I started using CBDs after I began having intense panic attack reactions to THC. I believe it was situational at the time- but I am still sensitive to THC. Harle-Tsu is a dream strain for those who suffer from anxiety and depression. I have bad upper back pain, and I noticed this didnt really do a whole lot for the pain, but it helped with the tenseness. I just feel super relaxed. The body high is mild and warm, it feels like small vibrations. There is no cerebral "high", but I consider that a plus. I did get that classic headband effect from it, which I LOVE. some dont and feel like its a headache. to me it feels like tension releasing... it feels cool and tingly. The "high" is happy for those who have anxiety and depression... because you no longer feel burdened, the result is happy/giggly and just comfortable. it isnt euphoric in the THC sense. This is one that I feel comfortable smoking anytime of day, and in larger doses. it is my safe strain. :) flavor wise it is that classic earthy, spicey flavor. I really love it. It isnt knock out best flavor ever, but my love of the effects makes up for it. I recommend this to everyone with anxiety. Its also great with stress. :) the batch I had is 0.86% thc and 13% cbd. so, a little lower, but still effective. I havent tried it in a bing yet but I cant wait to!