SOVA Delivery
They had the best prices, on really good brands, that I have seen in a while! Nepenthe Shatter @ $16 a gram! Papa Herb $25 a gram (before the 20 percent off)! Sova/their driver, managed to deliver 9 grams of dab, without getting any in the sides & lid, on the 6 sauces! A true a miracle! They had every item in stock, as well! I initially ordered, from them, Online thru Weedmaps, but then I had to call, to ask if they took Debit cards(they do, for a small fee) their phone rep was nice & knowledgeable. I was also able to easily, add to my order, with that call. When my order arrived, it was perfect, bag was stapled, all dab containers were upright! The delivery driver was most respectful & kind. He also arrived as promised. I'm so happy, I reordered less than 24 hours later & I can't wait to tell all my friends, I'm very impressed!
I actually called them today, to tell them how pleased, I was/am with every aspect of their service, especially their prices! Their 20 percent off specials, really help offset the high taxes, we are forced to pay, to keep our medication legal! Glad I found Sova. Hope you find them too!