HGK is a fine smoke. Just took two good hits of some fresh buds and it definitely has the mind expansive properties that very strong and powerful mojos have in common:
*They are strong enough for a good high with one or two good hits off of a bong or good pipe or old faithful, a doobie.
HGK has the added bonus of having a great taste upon exhale with a mellow, thoughtful and positive attitude towards things in general being the thought process now.
*I give HGK a 5 Star rating.
First, a brief biography, so that you may know that I am giving an assessment based upon many years of experience; then an honest review:
* I have been using cannabis consistently since 1967. I have been involved with the Southern California cannabis scene for a long time; since it's first wondrous discovery that the non-pollinated female plants yielded the seedless, highly potent flowers, that some of us called "Avocado's", because they grew amongst the avocado orchards in San Diego's inland areas, (which are long gone...houses and shopping malls now). I was fortunate enough to know some guys that were growers, and I've seen cannabis plants that were 12' to 15' feet tall growing between avocado trees, back in the early 70's. They let them grow to be trees. I've seen these giant plants right before harvest, and the top buds were so big, that the plants were bent over almost touching the ground. When dried, these top buds were the size of a football, and I vividly remember being gifted with one we called, "The Duke", in honor of the official football of the NFL. It was a huge purple bud, that I kept in a big Tupperware container and brought it out to share and show off when "special" guests came over.
Anyway, I give my credentials so that you know I've smoked the best for a long time, and will give you my perspective honestly, for your investment of time to read this is important, and I recognize this fact.
* I follow these procedures when I write a review:
1.) I grind up the buds, and roll my own joint.
2.) I smoke 1/2 of the joint
3.) I wait 20 minutes for effects to affect
4.) Write honest assessment
* LA CAKE is Five Star cannabis.
I am a person who requires a very strong dosage of THC in the strains that I smoke, for a number of reasons, not the least of which, is the fact that I smoke quite a bit of this, "Gift from God", and thus my tolerance is high, but also I've some medical issues that are helped significantly by this wondrous plant.
LA CAKE delivers an immediate blast of THC, and this might scare off those who are new to the HERB, so be careful if you're just starting out in this new Universe, but for a guy like me, who likes a swift kick to the head, LA CAKE delivers that KICK, and then some. I detect the GORILLA GLUE #4 in it's parentage, for after smoking 1/2 of a joint, 20 minutes ago, I am pleasantly planted into my recliner. But I'm a, "Thinking Plant", a "Human Plant"; a man that is, "One With His Recliner", and thinking positive about Life at this moment...courtesy of LA CAKE.
LA CAKE will set you back in your chair, too, so be prepared, but it's a fine ride. It starts out with a swift THC knock, knock, knocking, after the first hit; right between the eyes, and after a 1/2 joint, I was quite stoned, and honestly, that was the Mission, this Saturday morning, April 27th, 2019. Nothing to do but give you a little honest review, and perhaps a glimpse of something entertaining and real. Don't be thinking about driving after a 1/2 a joint of LA CAKE. Give it some time. "Hank, Get your ass outa' the bulldozer...you'll KILL YOURSELF!"
It's been approximately 1 hour since LIFTOFF, and I'm settled into a very fine, creative mindset. LA CAKE is good herb.
I really didn't detect an overwhelming taste or odor from the buds, not a distinct, "Oh Yeah, that's Jack Herrer; or a strong Purple strain, or a strong OG", but the effects are quite stunning.
GORILLA GLUE #4 is one of my favorite strains, so when I look at a strain to purchase, (I usually buy in 1/2 ounce or larger, if deal is good), I look at it's lineage, and if GORILLA GLUE #4 is Momma or Dada, my interest is peaked. The merger of LA KUSH and GORILLA GLUE#4, to produce, "LA CAKE", is a fine thing, indeed.
Relaxing; thought provoking; positive and alert, the effects of LA CAKE, outweigh its deficiencies in the taste department.
If you want some taste in your joint or pipeload, mix some LA CAKE with a little Purple variety, or even a tasty Sativa,(Sativa's seem to have the "Taste" category dominated, at least in my book), but if you're flying LA CAKE solo, be prepared for an immediate rush, a settling back period, then a very nice ride into the depths of your soul.
Yep. Here's a 5 Star Herb that I recommend sitting down for.
If you've just started using cannabis, get ready for a mind-bending experience.
Seasoned veterans, love is in the air with the first exhale.
One hit is quite a jolt of THC, as our batch has a rating of 29.72%, according to the dispensary blackboard.
Fine, Fine, Herb. Good job with this monster.
It's Saturday morning, Nov. 17th, 2018, and I'm looking at a 1/2 oz. of The White.
Just for the record, I've been an almost daily cannabis user since 1973, and have had the good fortune to live in a region of the U.S.A. where the beginnings of the first seedless strains of marijuana, the "Sensi", were born.
Grown amongst the avocado trees, these first generations of the seedless strains grew to huge heights. I saw plants that grew to 15'+ tall, with mature flower tops the size of footballs, drooping down almost to the ground, right before harvest.
Anyway, I give you this bio, to offer some confidence that I have smoked a hell of a lot of very fine herb, and will give you a perspective from a man with experience with this:
"Gift From The Great Spirit, Cannabis".
I saw, THE WHITE, at my dispensary, snapped up a 1/2, because, firstly, it's lab rating is 29.72% THC, and secondly, I've never seen it around the West Coast, and I'd heard it was, "Legendary".
Good move by yours truly. THE WHITE, is one fine example of some very potent marijuana. I'd heard it comes originally from Florida, and billed as, "Miami White", but whatever it's label, THE WHITE, is able to deliver a punch, with just ONE HIT.
Yes, I know you've heard that one before, but I kid you not, THE WHITE, is a Heavy Weight contender! THE WHITE ranks right up there with, FACE OFF, in my Handbook of Heavy Weights.
It's not a knock out punch, though. It's a blast of THC, straight to the Frontal lobe, the brain matter directly adjacent to my forehead .
This is a very pleasant high, with about three hits under my belt, I've hit the wall for awhile. Enough is enough.
This is, "Thinking Weed", for me, today. I really like this high.
It's been almost two hours since my last hit, (I feel like I'm making a Confession), and I'm still very stoned.
High Marks for, "Staying Power", and, "Stun-Gun", like, effects after only One Hit, makes, THE WHITE, not only a new member of my Top Ten, but a real Contender for the Top Five.
THE WHITE delivers it's swift kick of THC, without warning, so new users of Cannabis, be prepared for an almost psychedelic experience. (Yes, I've been there too, but that's for another time...). THE WHITE, is a Great Smoke.
Thanksgiving is in six day, so I'm smoking THE WHITE, before my In-Laws get here. I am a "Happy Camper", just thinking about it.
5 Stars for, THE WHITE.
Some may prefer a smoke with more, "nose", and perhaps a little more, "flavor and taste", but the Cannabis Gods have decreed that,
Now I'm not saying I'm, "Of Royal Blood", but I've smoked a hell of a lot of weed, and, THE WHITE, is about as good a smoke as I could ever want.
I hope you enjoyed this review, and I wish that you all find your, "Missions in Life", and accomplish those goals!
It's Sunday, October 28, 2018. I'm a little melancholy today, so I figure it's time to break out'a this funk, grind up some Apple Fritter buds, and Thank the Great Spirit for the Gift of Life.
Apple Fritters are new to my senses, and I've been smoking Cannabis for over 45 years, so when I get a chance to try a new flavor, that has a high THC percentage, (this batch of Apple Fritters is at 27.75%; quite high for a Sativa), I produce cash, and make it part of my human experience.
The buds are hard, dense nuggets; powdered with white kief.
They are unique in their different conical shapes...like "Magic Rocks", if you're an old timer, like me, you might remember the little rocks that grew into different stalagmite shapes when dropped into water). Weird, very cool looking buds that I give a salute to, prior to their sacrificial grinding.
Under the kief coating, the light green buds are streaked with purple hues, and orange hairs.
I'm taking a good whiff of a 1/2 ounce stuffed into a mason jar, and I can smell apples, by golly, with a hint of that distinctive Sativa smell, that is hard to describe, but you know it, if you've been around. Green Crack-ish; Ghost Train Haze-ish; Super Silver Haze-like; Apple Fritter's got it.
I'm going to smoke Apple Fritters in my, "Missouri Meerschaum, Co.", corn cob pipe. Nothing but the finest herb burned in this pipe, which I switched to after using glass for many moons.
Last night I burned a big bud of, "Wedding Cake", and didn't finish even half, so there's about half a load of the "Cake' in the pipe, to buffer this new package of the "Apple Fritters".
First hit is smooth, with a slight taste of apple, and a sweet exhale. Okay, I can dig the name, "Apple Fritters", now.
I've had three good drags on the pipe, and after about five minutes, I've got the Sativa, "Third Eye", going on...I feel a pressure between my eyes right up on my forehead.
Far from uncomfortable this "Eye" makes me feel like a living embodiment of a past life Demi-god.
Perhaps I was a Cyclops living in a cave, high up in the Himalayas. The townsfolk below would come to the cave and leave food and offerings to me, in exchange for predictions of the future, and promises not to raid the villages below for supplies and future mates.
Not a bad life, but without stereoscopic vision, I saw things differently; I was a Beast, and eventually ventured into the village of Yetisville, in search of a genetic match for procreative measures. It was here, that I was surrounded in a yurt, and dismembered.
My parts are on display in the Chiefton's yurt, and some of my body parts are said to have "Viagra-Like" effects on both male and female humanoids who rub the shriveled fingers and toes you know where.
Discretion is the better part of Valor; that said, perhaps I'd better stop at three good hits of Apple Fritters, for I am wasted! I'm a veteran stoner, and let me tell you, Apple Fritters is a handful.
Just what I needed today...no more sad thoughts...happy and ready to begin surgery on that poor bastard in the prep room next door.
He wants his nose fixed to look like George Clooney, but I happen to have a low opinion of George, so I'm thinking of a more legendary actor look: W.C. Fields; Jimmy Durante; or perhaps Bob Hope? I don't know, but the Apple Fritter's has opened my dam of creativity and freed my "Surgeon's Hands" to do their magic!
Five Stars for the "Fritters"...say a little prayer for me, okay, I'm gowned up, gloves on; I'm going in....!
My dispensary sold me a 1/2 ounce of Cosmic Og, which was described exactly like the leafy overview...but was sold as an Indica, not a Sativa!
I am going to give you this “old-timer’s” thoughts on just what we’ve got here:
Bud structure: very much Indica in nature; stout and firm.
Smell: very faint odor of pineapple mixed with delicate florals and pine.
Effect: it’s 1:56 pm, PST, Friday afternoon. What a pleasant taste on exhale! Not overwhelming by any means, and not a particular flavor I can say jumps out, but just a mild pleasing smoke.
Now for the effects...Cosmic Og, at least this,incarnation, is a strong, mighty strong, head thumper. I just smoked a little bowl in a glass pipe, approximately 4-5 good ones, and I’m sinking into my recliner...deep; deeper; oh my god, I’m being absorbed into my own chair, and I can’t get up!
Man, I don’t know. I think we’ve got a Hybrid here, with Sativa head effects, but a relaxing body buzz to boot!
Certainly looks like an Indica, but with a nice energetic head buzz to help,when you’re discussing things over with your other personalities. Me, I just told the bad boy that is going on in my, “Joey”, person, (one of six distinct people in my head), to quit it.
This is 5 Star material for sure. It’s been an hour since I slapped Joey, and I’m still quite high. Very strong.