Holy FUCK BALLS! Pass Im good. And this is me, and I know Im in the minority but this is the second chem related strain thats fucked me up and put me in a bad high. Its enlightening in a way that now being more educated as an adult with legalization; I understand that when I was younger I wasnt dying, I was just havin a bad bad downer.
I guess also knowing I have ADHD, sedative category substances have HIGHLY adverse effects (except Benadryl, as their is no escape from Mr. Sandman). However knowing this, I know those that are tolerant to one of the two dominant terps (I know, wannabe prog stoner, but self admitted im talking out my ass but Im just guessing thats the common denominator), will enjoy such benefits of
[Disclaimer: Written mostly humorously for comical relief my consentual and well educated consumption of said cannabis product]
-Pain: I can't quite feel shit.
-Eneegized: For me, huge fuckin negative. Being effects are reversed, I would imagine this would induce couchlock.
-Phantom Limb Pain: well, I can't feel shit... What arms?
-Lack of Apetite (Sp?): Im fucking starving..Can feel shit, cant feel my legs. See Phantom Limb Pain:
More Negatives for me: paranoia, anxiety, stress, high BP, shaking.
Whoever can tolerate this ots a true gem. Highly potent and will be worth your money.
I will stick to Black Diamond.
Me: Bong water
You?: Beluga Caviar and Champagne