
member since 2011

Recent Reviews1 total

Super Skunk

I tried this when I was young and inexperienced. Stuff was so potent you could smell it from a good ten feet away... Even though it was triple wrapped and zipped in my coat pocket. Smoked it at an anime convention. Best convention experience ever. I was normally very nervous in large crowds when I was younger. One bowl of this, and had an amazing time just cruising the halls. Came down some time later. Called my friend again, met up, and packed another bowl. When confined in our room, the stuff practically paralyzed us, but once we got moving we were out the door and walking on air. Unfortunately, my mother caught me with it when i came home. She made me come in the bathroom with her, opened the bag, and flushed the remaining .5g of it. I almost cried. The bathroom smelled like it for days. One of my all time favorites. ^^