
member since 2014

Recent Reviews3 total

Lemon Haze

Lemon Haze is a great strain ! It smells freshy, green and floral. The smoke is smooth and pleasant. It makes me really uplifted, social and talktative ! I feel aware and focused of what' sur around me. It has a smooth comedown, perfect for a good night

NYC Diesel

NY Diesel is top strain ! Pleasant smell, full and earthy, smoke a bit harsh when bang-smoked but alright.. The effects are not that strong, but it's perfect for a good evening ! NYC makes me happy, want to talk and dance ! It has a smooth rise and comedown, making me feel alert all the way and relaxed at the end ! My current favorite !

Amnesia Haze

I'm not that fan of AH.. The smell is very pleasant, freshy, herbal, and the smoke is really smooth and soft in mouth, but AH tends to make me anxious.. Bang-smoked, the rise is quick and strong, letting me unable to do anything.. At the end, the feeling becomes more mellow, I feel more relaxed and ready for a good night.. For me, not to be taken with people around..