
member since 2015

Recent Reviews6 total

Critical Mass

CRITICAL MASS - Indica Dominant Very high in both THC and CBD Buds were very beautiful, fresh, and my nose thanked them for the sweet smell they gave off. Smoked out of a glass Chillum- Was not expecting the taste and flavor that this Indica gave off as the smell of the buds themselves mislead me, a very interesting and good thing. I had a very empowering taste of the Redwoods, springtime, and citrus that kicked the back of my throat, shocked me at first, and amazed me next. Within 45 seconds I felt a very deep and calming, soothing wave of euphoria flowing through me as my eyes began to let me know I was just right. I smoked less than a half of a gram, that is all and it was plenty. (I have a very high tolerance) It seems I am maintaining the same balance between mind and body relaxation and can function if need be. I would recommend usage for PTSD, ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, ADD/ADHD, SEIZURES, MIGRAINES, FIBROMYALGIA, CROHN'S, CANCER, MEDICATION SIDE EFFECTS, APPETITE, SHAKINESS, DT’S, AGORAPHOBIA… Any other’s I left out I apologize, just ask.


This was a donation from a fellow patient and I am extremely grateful. I had heard of this yet never tried it, I am glad I did. The buds are very beautiful and have the craziest trichomes I have seen to date, I mean they looked as if they were still producing. The taste was a cross between earthy, berry, citrus, and spice but in a perfume type sense, very pleasant Initially after smoking a spliff, I was hit very hard with a mellow euphoric feeling, followed by a tingling in my nose which as I have said previously, is always a good sign of good flowers. Instant increase in appetite . At first, I started to get very sleepy, eyes very heavy but once that passed, I was fine and continued to treat myself and to much surprise, I was no longer tired, was no longer worrying, was able to just kick back and take in my music therapy. I very much recommend this strain, sort of shocked it didn't pop up when I typed it in. Thanks Leafly, will have several reviews coming the next few days.

Blue Widow

BLUE WIDOW- INDICA DOMINANT (Blueberry/White Widow) To start: Buds smell of an amazing berry aroma, was impressed. Very smooth, flavors filled my mouth and nose and were quite enjoyable. Did not kick in incredibly hard, it was more of a gradual uplifting mind and body buzz. Mind is clear and sharp, would recommend as both daytime and night time treatment. Body feels very loose and relaxed, but not doped or medicated feeling. Come down: I will let you know in a few hours ;-) Over all Review – I give it a 10 for quality and effect.

Yuma Dispensary

PATIENT STRAIN REVIEW: BLUE WIDOW- INDICA DOMINANT (Blueberry/White Widow) To start: Buds smell of an amazing berry aroma, was impressed. Very smooth, flavors filled my mouth and tickled my nose which is always a good sign and were quite enjoyable. Did not kick in incredibly hard, it was more of a gradual uplifting mind and body buzz. Mind is clear and sharp, would recommend as both daytime and nighttime treatment. Body feels very loose and relaxed, but not doped or medicated feeling. Come down: I will let you know in a few hours ;-) Over all Review – I give it a 10 for quality and effect. Recommended uses for: Hunger, Anxiety, Nausea, Headaches, Any type of pain relief needed. PTSD, Shakiness, stress, Depression. If you have any other symptoms or questions about treatments for this strain, contact Jamestown Center. Thanks for reading and Happy Toking

Tiger's Milk

Tigers Milk Strain Personal Review- Indica Dominant- Very, Very fast acting- Instant feeling of euphoria- Instant Relief of stress, anxiety- Definite psychedelic feeling however mind and body remain calm- Come down is very nice and mellow, with a continuing body high- This strain will indeed enhance your creative side. Highly (No pun intended) for the following conditions: PTSD, ANXIETY DISORDER’S, Bi-Polar/Mood Disorders, Seizures, Nausea, Back Pain, Any Pain, MIGRAINES, Agoraphobia, Would recommend for side effects of any type of medication. STRESS, Fibromyalgia, definitely will help while meditating for anxiety.

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Great strain, got a free pre-roll at my dispensary after buying some Skywalker wax. Came home and smoked the pre-rolled first and didn't even need a dab till the next day. Will be buying more for certain. I would say this is my second favorite Indica, next to the almighty Northern Lights.