
member since 2015

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Green Lady Marijuana - East Olympia

Was not friendly, was not helpful. Any questions you have they roll your eyes and then give some convoluted answer which just is NOT TRUE. These people insist THC is good for the nausea and pain of Cancer and it's treatments when Cannabis #101 teaches you that it is in fact the CBD Count! Their business cards, leaflets, advertisements and signage all say "Holistic Health" and yet when you ask, The purple haired girl at the counter will insist with an attitude, "We have no health basis nor illness management basis here, gah". The girl behind the counter did not listen to me when I said I do not use glass tanks, that I use disposable ones. She still sold me a Refill cartridge and assured me it was "all good" as she kept repeating over and over. I drove 10 miles for this by the way.. Got home and found out of course no, it was not "all good".. I had to drive 10 miles a second time.. She then took out a glass tank which i said once more, I do not use and that I wanted to give the oil cartridge back. "No refunds" she said. Dropped the glass tank on the floor after trying to unscrew the BOTTOM which was supposed to be LEFT ALONE as that is what seals the tank off and connects to the battery to produce heat. She then dropped it on the floor, as well as the mouthpiece.. Insisted "No I didn't drop it".. lying to my face, and again insisted "It's all good." It was still, not at all good.. Once again I find out it STILL won't work! I told her I didn't want it in the first place she insisted it was fine and it would work, it did not.. I poured a $45 dollar refill of oil into this busted tank.. so now keep in mind I have no usable oil. So for a THIRD TIME I had to drive 10 miles, now I am out of gas and I have to go to Cancer treatments some how.. The third time, I was assured by the manager on the facebook website that I would get a REFUND!.. So I go in for my refund and what do I hear? "No refunds!" she hastily handed me ANOTHER GLASS TANK!!.. and makes sure myself and my mother with stage 4 cancer are RUSHED out the door really faster than either of us can move in our health. Not to mention as soon as we got out of the car, the rather uncomfortable gentlemen you have "mad dogging" your door exclaimed, "Come on, hurry up ladies!!" As if he expected 2 people with varying stages of Cancer on Chemo therapy were going to be sprint runners. I recommend NOBODY goes to this place as it is much more of a back alley drug dealer than an actual place of reputable business. Stick with 420 Carpenter where everyone is friendly, happy to help, actually KNOWS what they're doing, and will even get to know you as a person and make you feel welcome and much like family. So to be clear, 3 trips each totaling in 10 miles for 2 people with varying stages of cancer, poor customer relations, shady dealings, and the prices really aren't that competitive at all anyway. Trust me, 420 Carpenter is WAY BETTER. The Green Lady just hires stoner children with bad dye jobs to muck up the place. Not to mention you can smell that the marijuana is actually being smoked on the premises somewhere.. You can smell smoke, not just weed. VERY UNPROFESSIONAL.