
member since 2016

Recent Reviews15 total

Gold Dawg

Trixxx by Weed by Example Another strain I can't recall why I picked it up. Price must have been right. Trixxx is a pretty harsh inhale, really rough down the throat with the vaporizer. I tend to rotate four strains and every time I came to it I knew I was in for a rough time. That said, it is a decent high that hits pretty quickly but doesn't stay around for too long. Once it hits it typically only stayed around for 30-45 minutes and then steadily decreases. I could see using this one to hit right before doing chores you really don't like doing. For me that's weeding. Hate that shit! But you stick this in the vape and toke it up and then go tackle whatever your dreading doing and it will get done without too much complaint. Probably won't pick this strain up again simply because I didn't like the harsh inhales but it does what it sets out to do.


3 1/2 Stars Can't remember why I picked up an eighth of Bonkers but at some pointe I evidently did. Bonkers doesn't smell too strong and it grinds up decently. I use a vaporizer and it is fairly smooth and not harsh when inhaling. slow, steady drags tend to work the best. The high you get from Bonkers is pleasant. It quickly puts you in a relaxed state of mind and worries tend to fade away. I found that if I used this strain to end the night and get ready for bed it let me drift off as my head hit the pillow. It also seem to keep me from midnight snacking. I'd pick it up again but there are better strains out there that pack a much bigger punch.

Mt. Rainier

truthfully 3 1/2 stars This strain leaves no doubt as to what it is as it smells strong from the minute you open up the package. Within minutes the room will take on the smell, woodsy and skunky are great descriptors as the smell is nearly overwhelming. However, once you get past that the bud itself is a dark green and leafy and quite sticky. While I was expecting a rough drag on the vape, Rainier is fairly mellow in comparison to its expectation. The high doesn't hit you too quickly and once it does come on it lasts for quite a while. On my first drag the effects lasted a good 2 1/2-3 hours and I debated about taking another drag before hitting the sheets but decided to ride it out and sleep came over me fairly quickly. I plan on giving it another go tonight as it was a fairly light high that would allow me to do other things without getting too deep into my own thoughts. This would be a good strain to use when doing household chores or pulling weeds as the buzz will allow you to do mundane things without getting bored but not too high where you make mistakes.

501st OG

This was bought right around the time I picked up Ewok. Guess I was on a Star Wars themed shopping spree. The smell was earthy and not too pungent during the grind. The inhale was a little harsh at first but mellowed out the further I got into my stash. The high hit fairly quickly and was strong I tend to hit my vape 6-8 times before it burns out and didn't need to hit it again before the end of the night. It is a high that requires you to concentrate and I wouldn't take it if I were going out to party as you will zone out and find starting at walls entertaining. When you do pass out at the end of the day the 501st knocks you out until the alarm goes off. Wouldn't smoke it if you only had a few hours to sleep, as it will leave you a little drowsy a while when you first wake up. If you take it with a few hours to enjoy its affects and then get 6-8 hours of sleep you should be find but short naps will find you zoned out for some time.

Purple Trainwreck

First off, the smell is pungent. You know what you got when you break open the seal. Without a scent proof canister the jig is up as the diesel permeates a room in no time. The grind was smooth as it broke apart with only a few twists of the wrist. The inhale wasn't too harsh but it was definitely strong. The high came on about 25 minutes after you finish your first rip from the vape. Lasts for a good while and after a second hit 90 minutes later, lasts until it is time to hit the hay. Good strain and will more than likely pick it up again if available.


This has to be my favorite strain so far. Really easy to inhale with very little coughing or harshness, if any. The high is nice as it gives you a mellow, head in the clouds feeling but still gives you the ability to concentrate during conversations, watching a movie, or playing a video game. I have bought two different companies and both were the same kinda high, just wish I could recall the two company names as I am reviewing after I tossed the packaging. Definitely a good high for conversations as I was quite chatty in game chat. I just really like this strain as it is perfect for chilling at home and putting something on and just laying on the couch with your significant other. I plan on keeping this strain on hand at all times until I find something better.

Alien Walker

When I looked at the list of strains available at my local dispensary, I noticed a few Star Wars themed strains so it was a given I was going to pick them up. Up first is Ewok, probably my favorite strain so far. This is a very easy flower to vape as it was smooth from start to finish. The high is also quite mellow and leaves you with a nice easy buzz, which allows you to just relax and chill without losing you head. After a few hits my buddy and I were playing the tail end of the Destiny 2 campaign when the giggles overcame me as we began to riff the story and it lead to dumber and dumber plots. Needless to say this is a really good strain and I went and picked up another eighth just so I could have more. It doesn't make you sleepy, although you could easily use it to help you get a few zees, but it does make situations a little more humorous. Can't say enough positives with Ewok, if you can find it I suggest you give it a shot as I really liked it. My particular strain was Soul Shine, which was recommend to me over the other company that grows the strain. Highly recommended.

Cherries Jubilee

This was a really rough strain to vape and while it did have me buzzing, the euphoric feeling left pretty quickly. I picked this strain up when it was $25 an eighth and accidentally bought two of them on back to back visits to the dispensary and so it was a long time to finish it all as I didn't look forward to vaping the flower when it was in my rotation. Cherries Jubilee isn't a very strong strain and what little high I did get off of it didn't last long maybe 90 minutes at best. It does do a decent job of putting you in the mood to sleep so I wouldn't want to smoke this and then go out and party but if you are looking for a mellow high, this might hit the spot.

Jack Herer

In full disclosure, this was a strain I bought my second trip to the dispensary and after I bought it I lost it and had moved on so it was a little old and not completely dried out but not all that moist, so it may not be an accurate representation of the strain. Jack took a while to get use to as it was a little harsh on the inhale and it took a little longer to take an effect, one it did it was a mild high that didn't seem to last too long. Maybe 90-120 minutes and then left you with hardly a whisper. While it isn't a bad strain, it isn't one I would pick up again if I wasn't going to smoke it right away. I may pick this strain up again at a later date when I could get it work it into my rotation quicker. One perk of this strain was when the wife was feeling a little randy the sensation in me tallywhacker was especially sensitive and that was a nice added side-effect.

Blue Dream

This strain was on clearance at my local dispensary and I don't know why as it vapes fairly clean and gives you a decent high. My initial vape sessions with it, I found it a little rough but after a few more hits, I seem to have found my stride and it started to go down nice and smooth. High stayed with me for a decent amount of time and my brain went into creative overdrive. I had a great short story idea as I laid down to bed but my dumbass didn't write it down and when I woke up the next morning completely forgot the details, which sucks because I had the whole story outlined and all I can say is it was going to be an epic story. I am still kicking myself for not writing it down. Anyway, I digress. If you are looking for a nice high with the possibility of letting your mind go into innovation mode, this just might be the strain for you. Definitely worth having a go.