
member since 2017

Recent Reviews1 total


Very nice and workable balance between the THC and CBD. Ratio on my sample worked out to 10% THC balanced with 15% CBD. For my purposes, I prefer labeling and taxonomy that simply states species (Indica or Sativa), and a four digit "name" that indicates the THC/CBD percentages. An example with Harle-Tsu would be: H1015 (Hybrid, 10% THC: 15% CBD) An example of a High THC low or no CBD Sativa would be: S2500 (Sativa, 25% THC: 00% CBD I believe this system of taxonomy supports the education of users, gives a clear indication of the THC:CBD Ratio, and, for lack of a better word, gives greater "credibility" to medicinal and recreational marijuana use. Let's face it, medicinal and recreational marijuana use as won many hard-fought gains; however, there is a long way to go with some States and the Federal Government. Based on my experimentation and testing so far, Harle-Tsu hits the sweet spot for me. Individual psychoactive and physiological responses will vary user to user, so my personal experience may have very little similarity to another user's experience. Nevertheless, I will say that Harle-Tsu gives me a very nice, warm, and comfortable physiological response (CBD) and just enough of a clear-headed, albeit uplifting, psychotropic response to enjoy the day. No anxiety (I am very anxiety prone to some cannabis strains) and just feel balanced and happier than my "normal" depressed state. I am a veteran with severe PTSD (multiple tours in both Afghanistan and Iraq). After several years of the usual potpourri of pharmaceutical medications, medical cannabis (in my case Harle-Tsu) has given me relief from depression, anxiety, hyper-vigilance, anger, and a sense of hopelessness. Most importantly, medical cannabis has given me hope. I strongly urge folks to try the different strains, intelligently, rationally, and with a keen eye on ratios and effects. In my humble opinion, THC/CBD ratios is a good place to start. Well, it's time for further scientific (journal driven) inquiry. I'm off to take a hit of my H1015. Thanks for reading. Namaste.