Wonderful! A burst of creative genius followed by a whole body buzz, capped off with a giggle. Wow. Took my anxiety away instantly and got me to write this review. Love it! Thank you, growers!
Golden Pineapple from Green Bodhi Genetics just became King of the Mountain in my book! FANTASTIC flavor profile, sparkles and pops like Pop Rocks with fruity, pineapple deliciousness. and the tingling gets to every muscle and bone. It provides immediate energy, focus and overall sense of well being. Absolutely my new BEST STRAIN!! A well made creation!!
Get's you racing, for sure. This will get you off the couch and doing, well, anything. However, bear in mind any anxiety or nervous energy is a direct effect of the strain and it is temporary. For the novice, your heart is fine, it's just the weed. Now get those chores done!