Kali Mist
This stuff won't be much good to you if what you're after is zoning out in front of the TV and eating Funions, If, however, you want to delve into some new and interesting concepts-- if what you're after is refreshing uplifting bouts of fluid confident creativity and clarity of thought, Kali Mist is where its at. This is not a couch potato 'stoner' kind of high. This is a "Get up and take on the world" type of deal. Its good if you want to start a book, paint a picture, organize your thoughts or philosophize about the finer aspects of life.
Kali Mist gives me an exceptional boost in what might best be thought of as 'uplifted creativity'. Elevates my mood, allows me to conceptualize better, helps me to organize and ascertain what were otherwise abstract nebulous concepts and gives me the ability to communicate with unparalleled clarity of thought. In that sense, if that's what you're looking for, look no further.