
member since 2019

Recent Reviews3 total

Lime Skunk Sativa Flower 3.5g

Got the vape cart and love this. I was using my hybrid carts faster as not getting as much as an effect as smaller amounts as I have of this sativa. I'm sensitive to sativa with an anxiety disorder and have used it minimally prior. No problems with this. This doesn't take much to put a smile on your face. Using a bit more, and super lifted. Helps the libido. The flavor doesn't bother me, I like the lime and thc was 84.22%


First review. My first strain after having left my nursing career, and not smoking since a teen in the 80's, and one other time at age 26 that was the strongest i'd ever had. After having a back surgery due to my scoliosis getting worse, I had 24/7 pain and muscle spasms, which in time drove my depression, and anxiety disorder, and migraines into their deepest depths. I have been on a slew of medications since then and worked 13 more years in worsening agony. New to Illinois for a couple years, I finally decided to try for a medical card September of 2019. I'd gone through so many procedures and injections with less and less relief, I had to do something. Harle-Tsu was my first strain my budtender suggested with my past history, and being concerned cannabis nowadays may be too strong for me. I felt relaxed, functional, a sense of well being and slept a bit better that night. I think it's a great way to start back into the cannabis world without paranoia. After I slowly became more educated on strains and potency, I have since tried many different strains for my many ailments to see what seems to help best, which i'll review soon.

Zen Leaf - St. Charles (Rec)

Ive been a patient 6 months now and they've been hit with a shortage and all the changes of the new year of influx of new patients, and expansion attempts, and are doing the best they can from what I see. I just wish prices weren't creeping up since I started.