
member since 2016

Recent Reviews2 total

Ice Kream

I had a 4/5 star review place based off my first review. Since then I have dropped it to a 1/2 star review. Some things to keep in mind. Parking is a pain here. They tax you AFTER the listed price. You can get the tax waived if you are a student or a veteran(proof with I.D.) The bud is already pricey, so the tax just makes it more expensive. Again, you can get the tax waived with the aforementioned documentation. I came here explicitly for seeds/clones. They have it listed on their menu. I decided to come from the opposite end of the valley to try to pick up. Processing was quick. Chill. The bud room is okay. Do not come here because the other reviews say its chill. It's like everywhere else—medium sized/ bit awkward if there's more than one patient. I picked up two packs of seeds(70$/each). Then I inquired about the clones and they told me I had to pre-order them. They take a week to come and that I have to pay for half of them up price. 5 clones/$60. If you're following the math, I should be at $170. I pay with $180(only 20s) . The guy ringing me up takes my whole 180. No tax because I am student. When i checked the receipt it says I paid 180 as well. Meaning I paid for more than half of my clones. More than what is required. Bad cashiering right there. I figured since I was gonna pay it anyways, that it was no big deal. I asked when I would be available to pick it up. They try to make it sound like if they are strongly connected to the growers. Like if they are buddy buddies. He says they should be there by 7 days, but they could even be there way sooner. This happened on a Thursday. I call on Sunday to check up on my order. The guy who picked up the phone had no idea what I was talking about. He just asked me when I made the order. Thursday. He says, okay they should be here by this Thursday. Pretty bad communication. Properly managed teams should have a better sense of what orders are coming in/etc. Thursday morning comes up. I call up. Get put on hold....FOR 30 MINUTES .... Call back and a different person answers. I ask about my order and they said they're not in. I ask if my order can be canceled. She tries to deflect my request with some whooblah. I demand it by this time. She then says that I have to talk to a manager and that he wont be in until 4 PM. So I come across the valley again. Make it by 4 PM on the dot. I stand there talking to the manager saying that I just want to cancel my order and get my pre-order money back. He tries to excuse what happened earlier(he was the one that left me on hold for 30 minutes) and as he gave me back my money he says he wants to make it right with me. I say nah. He keeps on insisting. He hands me a joint. I just walk out from there. The joint was lame. Not as lame as what happened to the seeds I bought from them. Only one pack sprouted. ONE ENTIRE PACK DID NOT SPROUT. Ridiculous. I could understand one or two from each pack, but ONE ENTIRE PACK. Maybe it was my techniques? Doubt it. Especially when all the seeds that i did germinate from the other pack did indeed germinate. This shows mishandle from this shop. Maybe they dropped that one pack. Maybe they exposed it to some poor elements. Anyways, this just got me more heated. Weed is not anything special here. Too pricey for me to go out of my own way. Parking is a mess. UNRELIABLE for grow needs. These guys talked the talk, but they could not walk the walk.

The Farm Genetics and Clones

Seldom do we encounter people in this life as in love with a craft as Roselyn and Julian. If you are checking the reviews on whether you should come here, the answer is yes. More often than not you encounter plenty of shops with plenty of pretty faces, but with little knowledge. Every curiosity and question is quickly satiated by the wealth of knowledge the staff holds. The space is as unique as the experience. It is not just buy and go, as it is understanding what you are buying. The benefits of each strain will be elaborated to you if you are a neophyte, such as myself. And for seasoned veterans, there are plenty of options that would make you happy that you stopped by. The customer experience Roselyn and Julian serve is unmatched by any nearby location. They care about you and your babies. If you are reading this I recommend you give them a try. They take phone calls. Discrete location, so make sure you knock.