
member since 2021

Recent Reviews1 total


Just got out of the Air Force and my back has been destroyed for about 3 years. I was tired of doctors throwing pills at me, getting shots and having my nerves burnt off in the majority of my back. Honestly they all stopped working to help my pain after about a month. My first day out I bought some of this stuff and obviously got high as fuck. I mean REALLY high. The THC content I got was 23% but not smoking for a few years didn’t help. So be careful if you’re a lightweight like myself. After the initial “FUCK YEAH IM OUT” I now only use it right before I go to bed so I don’t wake up every hour or more due to back pain. Let me tell you. Once I got the right “dosage”, if you will, I have had the best sleep ever in YEARS. My constant fire and stabbing throughout my back melted away after about 10 minutes. It was unreal. My first night I woke up I cried like a baby because I slept that well. That’s how good this stuff is. I don’t wake up too foggy, and I’m energized enough the next day to work 12 hours with no issues. 100/10 great for back pain and knocking you out for bed.