
member since 2016

Recent Reviews10 total

Mapleglen Care Center (Recreational)

Hello from Vegas. I didn't forget about you guys. I am here, and all is good. But, i wanted to make it known that anyone who has a medical card, go see these guys. They are knowledgeable, funny, and personable. I highly recommend them. I miss you guys. Ryan. Go Cubs!! Tiff, they do hologram nails here. And the rest of you, thanks for all of the help in the past. They very best to all of you.


I love this strain. Though it's an indica, it works like a hybrid for me. A couple of hits gets me going. More than a couple, relaxes me. It doesn't make me a couch potato. It relieves pain almost immediately. It doesn't taste bad either. It's not harsh. Indicas work different on other people, like medicine. My opinion is if you are always on the go, (like a sativa gets you going), try this strain. For me, it keeps me going. I use this all day.


Not a fan of this strain. Not sure if it's the people who grow it or not. But, I'm a seasoned smoker for 30+ yrs. Medically over 10 yrs. So, I think I know a little about strains. This one made me nauseous. I get that it's a strong strain. and I've had stronger. I've never had a strain do this to me. Maybe it's Cresco. I've never had luck with that company. The only thing I can suggest. is that if you want a great weight loss product, smoke this. Makes you sick to your stomach so you don't eat. I will not buy a Cresco product again. If this strain is grown by someone else, I may have better luck.

Tangerine Haze

PTS did it again. It smells like tangerines. Does not have a bitter taste. This strain, like their Chi Haze is excellent for inflammation, and pain relief. It's the CBN. And PTS did a great job with this strain. It gets you moving, not sitting. And that gets the appetite going. I have alot of pain. And if it wasn't for the CBN in this strain, which is high, I don't know how I'd be able to get around. It makes it easier. You feel a little more like your old self. I recommend this strain for seasoned users. It's strong. One or two hits you're good for 1.5 hr. If a novice but have pain and inflammation, look for Chi Haze which the THC & CBN is a little lower strength. Got in illinois. FYI. This strain will make you relax if you smoke 3 or 4 hits.

Ghost OG x Blue Dream

One of my favorites. another fine product from PTS in Illinois. It has an earthy, piney & skunk smell. This strain works good for pain, inflammation, relaxing, and nausea. It helps with appetite. I use Chi Haze for daytime and this for night. You aren't a couch potato. But you do relax mind and body. Chi Haze keeps you going to where this helps you wind down and sleep. It's sativa effects are felt because you don't sit on your ass. The indica is felt when you have one extra hit before you sit and watch tv for instance. It definitely makes the night easier. No munchies but it helps you eat, if you're queasy.


In Illinois, distributed by PTS. This strain is the best for inflammation, pain. I'm a seasoned smoker and patient. I've had many different strains for inflammation, none like this. My knee is shot and if I smoke this, I can walk better. I recommend this for inflammation and pain. Yes, I can go to work with a couple of hits and function just fine. It does make me quietier. Not chatty. I'm in a good mood tho. Eases nausea also. Good stuff. Grab it if you can. Good job PTS


I think Progressive Treatment did an awesome job with this strain. It's one of my favorite hybrids. It can act like a sativa and an indica. The buds were sticky and crystalized. It lasts a long time if smoking. I'm a seasoned smoker, and 2-3 hits is good for me. I can feel it working for nerve pain, headaches, sour stomach, and a pretty good anti inflammatory. And with 2 hits, I can still work and function. But, wait about 15-30 min before you venture out or use power tools. head is a little fuzzy until it settles. If you have 3 or more hits, it acts more like an indica to where you can relax. Yes, i can fall asleep on this strain. I definitely recommend this strain from Prog. Treatment. i have not tried this strain from another producer yet.


It's ok. Smells great. Taste. That was weird. The after tasted like buttered popcorn. It works for motivation, nausea, pain and stress. I must either have a really high tolerance to the strains coming into Illinois, or the strains are just plain, everyday strains. I don't think they are strong enough. When I read the reviews, I base my purchase on the reviews other people give. I am sure they get better stuff in other states. Because what we get in Illinois, seems to be the leftovers or the ones that didn't make the cut. I was told that someone read the strains in Ill, are the leftovers. The Tangie must be a leftover. The label says packed 3-2016. But how long did it sit on the shelf. I'm sure Tangie is great in other states. At my dispensary, it's OK. It's not the dispensary, they are 5 stars, it's the grower. It's just ok.

Platinum Cookies

Well. All the reviews I've previously read makes me feel that Green Thumb needs help. Yes, buds were dense. Great purple tips. But..... dry as all hell. smelled like dog s***, and a very bitter harsh taste. Reminds me of buying dank or real cheap mud weed. You know what I'm saying. As for pain, yes, it takes the edge off for me. It doesn't alleviate it completely, but it helps. It does make you relax. Since the taste and smell are disgusting, I mixed it with Tangie. Helped the taste. since I'm having a hard time in Illinois finding the right mix, I mix myself. I like a hybrid that's Sativa dominant. I've been using weed as medical for 12 yrs, smoked for over 30, so I think I can say, I know weed enough to review. Remember the days when you went to your "go to" thought you were getting some "kick ass shit" and found out it was junk. That's how I feel about this strain. I gave it a 3 mainly for the relief. Other than that, don't waste your money

Durban Poison

Junk. Dry, brittle, powdery. THC content listed is bull****. I've been smoking for 30 years, using it for pain for 12 yr. So I think I'm qualified to give a review. I'm a Sativa or Sativa hybrid person. I use it for pain, appetite, mood elevator. Cresco Labs had alot of hopes. But, not from me. Go back to school, and learn how to grow and produce good weed. I would've had a better high & relief drying the grass in my yard. But, this is just like Illinois. They probably tell the dispensaries to hand it out dry so we medical patients, who are on a fixed budget, will have to buy more. Why? Illinois is broke and they really didn't want to, legalize medical pot. Cresco, I'm not a novice. You can't fool me, or any other patients who have been using for a long time. Your Durban is shit. A waste of money. Illinois patients, am I wrong? I will not buy Durban again, at least not in this state.