
member since 2015

Recent Reviews1 total

Mad Scientist

Now the given name "Mad Scientist" makes sooooo much sense! Given the strain boasts about it's ability to help with insomnia, it actually had an opposite affect on me. It CAUSED insomnia. I couldn't sleep! The electricity in my brain had my thoughts pinging from one end to another. I couldn't hush them to save my life! I genuinely thought I was going mad! The strain touches on it's ability, minimally, to spark creativity. This was AMPLIFIED for me. I wrote chapters, created a short film idea, played with the different thought processes of several Philosophers... All at, it felt like, the same time! I was both amused and annoyed at what was going on. On one hand, I was thoroughly entertained by all of it. On the other hand, I REALLY JUST WANTED TO GET SOME SLEEP!!! ... I see what they mean when they say, "Everyone has different reactions to different strains."