I'm always skeptical of these extremely high THC strains just because there's just so much a plant can produce but I was lured in by the nostalgic name and man this is niiiice!! my eyes are sittin below half mast, full body euphoria. I don't feel dumb or dizzy. I feel just stupidly relaxed. I want to call up my friends and have a session w my people over this fire. I hope you come across a good batch. The taste is truly best described as nutty, not quite peanut butter nutty but very similar. walnuts or some kind of a buttery nut, get ya mind out of the gutter you freaks lmao, like a macadamia nut. smh. Theres almost a slight menthol like feeling w the inhale... man I'm way too high to be writing this 🤣🤣 Little harsh on the back of the throat but not bad. Time to do some fun Sh*t 🖖
So I find this kind of funny, correct me if I'm wrong but GSC crossed with chemdawg, aka Chemdog, is known as GMO cookies. look it up. fr. Same exact plant, idk why they have this "strain" listed as cookie dawg. whatever lol. GMO is one of the greatest ever, just call it by its rightful name lol. c'mon Leafly 😁
Drizz's strain review
*** lavender jack
wow this light green glimmering flower smells out of this world. it's got a funky lavender and pine taste. if you need some bud to be stoned but functional, even motivated... try out lavender jack!
Drizz's strain review
****Grape gas
I love the grape candy smell that wafts out of the bag. light and fluffy but purple is pretty chill. it apparently has gdp as a parent so that's cool in and of itself lol. I felt really stoned after some time and I was all of a sudden just happy and relaxed. burns a little quickly, my only gripe. Solid strain.
Drizz's Strain Review
Let me start off by reiterating just HOW cool the folks at Casa are. The store is ALWAYS super clean and welcoming. Smiles, positive vibes and 🔥🔥 bud are what you'll get. Ok so back to the review lol. White Truffle has been a strain I've wanted to try from the moment I first heard the name, which seems like eons ago lol, but as I was checking out the menu I saw, WHITE TRUFFLE..@ CASA!? bara bing bada boom, this flower is really pretty. Nice frosty greens and orange hairs. Smells and tastes creamy, nutty, piney and even a hint of mint. VERY smooth. Feeling real good now lol. Thank you for the pain relief this gives me. You guys rule! 🔥😁
Third coast is a really cool shop. Saw them on Leafly and decided to try them out. Nick helped me find what I wanted, even tho I didn't know I wanted it lol. so....
Drizz's Strain reviews -
*Turtle pie 🐢 - This one. wow. I'd never even heard of it before and I came in "knowing" what I wanted which was the second review... Turtle pie hits hard and heavy. That's my style. I live in constant pain, so heavy indicas actually give me the ability to feel human. This bud def did the trick. I got a g for $10.40, and I'm literally writing this before I go back for more lol. Tastes great, more filling lol. I mean this is a banger strain. Full body dismemberment lol. 5/5
*Cap Junky- I had read a lot about this strain and was excited to see it available. This was my "know what I want" choice. Nick said it was pretty good, then pointed out the turtle pie and honestly I'm glad he did. Cap junkie tastes good, smells great... it just wasn't for me personally but still a chill high. Not trying to dissuade anyone from trying it because body chemistry is really what determines how a strain works. Nice strain, not for me tho. 3/5
Got to go get my turtle pie. See ya soon Nick! -Drizz
This is a rare flower that did almost nothing for me. Personally this strain fell instantly off any list of desire to try it again. Had to smoke it or it was just trash, so I smoked this trash. Joke of a strain. 31% of a low grade sleepy hum. Top shelf pfft. looked beautiful. smelled great. COMPLETE let down. I really wanted to like it because OG kush is awesome. It's child here... should be tossed off the cliff like a deformed spartan baby unfortunately. 😮💨 if I could add a negative to this it wouldn't be dry mouth, it'd be fun killer.
This has been my go-to for years for their house juice and now "tinctures." I had no idea they were selling THC-a flower. So....
Drizz's strain review-
Wise Vice Vapors (med center)
** White Chocolate chip - Wise Vise Vapors
Smell is like a sweet sage, kind of soapy. Nice fluffy and full flower. Well trimmed, not a bunch of stem leftover, like some places/brands do to quietly short you. the bud is very icy and light in color. Some purples and red hairs.. pretty icy. First puff. Nice. I wasn't expecting such a sweet, earthy and slightly minty taste, earthy and peppery and slightly minty exhale. Really smooth. 2nd puff, I'm already feeling it come on and it's got my whole body feeling a euphoric tingle. I already feel some of my pain dropping off pretty sharply actually. I can dig that. can YOU dig it! Lol. 5 minutes and I'm feeling pretty damn good. You know tho... No reason to not finish this bowl lol. I have a high tolerance AND no cap I had smoked some 40% bud, and it was good... Just wasn't.. mmph enough for me if that makes any sense. So, I thought I might be wasting this by smoking it. No. No. I'm glad I did. It literally rolled right over the 40% bud I had smoked.... 1.5 hours-ish... I'm surprised I feel it as strongly as I do. Idk, THC content isn't the main factor you should consider, or ONLY factor. It's really all about the terpene profile, and obvs. how it interacts w your personal biology. Tho in my case, it's the 31% White Chocolate chip w the upset! I'm not feeling out of it, but feel reeally nice 👍 Experienced smokers may find this one fun to go hang w friends, chill house party or go out and do some nature shi+ lol. Less frequent users may find it pretty sedating, and have a pretty strong and buzzy high, with a high boost to your mood, which is exactly what I like. I live in constant pain, so that sedation is energizing to me because the "pain weight" slips a little lower, and I get a chance to feel alright. Yea I think I totally made that phrase up but you get my gist. Hopefully lol My only negative side effects are a really mild case of cotton mouth, a throat that feels like I need a sip of something and that I . Nothing else negative to say. Try it out. It's only $10. What's there to lose? Besides $10? Lol... 😂
Tastes great, less filling. old school commercial, anyway as you can see I started my review w nonsense but I really could care less lol. I feel gooood! takes me a bit more than a bowl because of my tolerance but def a heavy hitter.
This has to be in the top 50 all time strains. it's nothing but pure bliss from start to end. nice warm full body buzz that puts you right on cloud 11, cloud 9 is levels below this Wonderful strain. tastes good, smokes well and the high is plain righteous.
Casa De Mota Flower. Molotov Cocktail. Um,Yea, wow, awesome. This strain comes on fast and heavy just the way I like it. It'll settle into a gear and put on cruise control. The smell has a citrus scent that for some reason my first thought was one of those Fruit snacks, not the roll ups but the flat "healthy" type. fruit "jerky"....It smells good in other words lol. The taste is pretty unique. It's got some slight cookie-ish flavor, mixed in w a cigar shop, as well as a creamy and sweet gas taste. lol, bet you'll never see all those words in a sentence again. This hit hard and fast. 1 bowl and I'm climbing into my spacesuit. I bought an ounce of it and I'm glad I did. Y'all really need to go to the shop. Everything is good. I have yet to find ANYTHING that's disappointing about Casa de Mota. seriously. Go! Learn some stuff, go in with a good vibe because that's all there is there. Tell me I'm wrong. I am feeling SO good rn. THIS is EXACTLY what I wanted. I couldn't decide. Making adult decisions is not my strong suit lol, so my dude Kyle says, "This is what you want bro." Good pick! I'm serious about decision making lol. It doesn't help that there's so much to choose from, and they're ALL good and interesting strains. I might need to get an apartment that's closer lol. WELL worth the trip Every time. Yea I'm feeling great. Remember.... Only YOU can prevent forest fires. ok I'm way off course here lol. I'm feeling goooood and relaxed. Its time to go make some music....or air pollution to some, lol, but I'm at peace w the world right now so leave yo negativity at the tone, I'll holla atcha later lolz🤘