
member since 2015

Recent Reviews54 total

Northern Lights #5

mm dank smelling, sweet pine, flowery, and a bit oaky! Packed 1/2 a bowl and I couldn't even finish, first hit got me high... very light and smooth smoke. Hits heavy, be safe when using this strain. Tastes like sweet pine, flowers, and mineral/dirt. Helped my tendon pain 5/5, dislocated ribs 4/5, neuropathy 5/5, scar tissue pain 2/5, inflammation 5/5, and I felt super chill 5/5, however it hasn't helped with mental anxiety or depression. This inspired me to try it with a flavored paper, I chose "Black Magic" flavor from Juicy Jay papers - 5/5 baby! Tasted like grilled fruits, it's so amazing... highly recommend if you like rolling joints - this combo was super amazing! Feels like a hybrid hit - some in the body, some in the head.

Green Crack

This is the MSG strain - fkn everything tastes amazing about this. Nice sweet smell - reminded me of ranch kale chips right off the bat. Then I got that skunky, pungent scent with a bit of sweet honey. I'm not one for sativas because I normally wind up with a migraine, but this one didn't cause it for me. This has an effing nice taste right out of a bong, I only packed 1/2 a bowl and I was stoooooooned. It tasted like sweet pine, tangy, candy, and grilled apricots on warm bread.... it's amazing. Went straight to my face, so numb, hit super fast and heavy... my notes say "FUCKSAKESIAMHIGH"... I don't remember writing that, but yeah, that's how high I was. Helped with eye pressure pain too - very nice plus. Great for any type of smoker, beginner or experienced - good social strain too. I can still do my homework for my courses and absorb information - good work/school strain!


Holy amazing sleep, Batman! SLEEPIES!! This knocked my ass OUT - I haven't slept in 2 days and this let me sleep for 7 hours straight, didn't even move. Super important different between this 'Kush' and regular OG.... Smelled like pine, a bit pungent, woody, lemon/citrus, and a slight herbal scent with a little spicy kick. This OG Kush combination is an amazingly super light and smooth smoke! Packed 1/2 a bowl and it tasted like sweet flowers, pine, dankish, and herbal, like tearing open a packet of tea. Went straight to my head and my face was nuuuuumb. Helped my spine amazingly well 5/5, took my kidney stone pain down to 30%, felt cold spots in my back where it hurts, helped with my tendon pain 3/5, and a little bit of nerve pain 2/5 - noticeable enough. No munchies, I passed out - definitely a night time use, great for insomnia. Hits heavy, so I wouldn't use this as a beginner unless you have insomnia - this is your golden ticket!

OG #18

Private Reserve, also known as OG #18 - super musky smelling with a hint of sweet pine. Nice light smoke, great for beginners - but it's a heavy stone, so be careful - go slow! Tasted a little chemical, but the nice sweet pine and honey taste overrides it! So this was great for neuropathic pain, not so much for muscle (at least for me). I was very slow, relaxed, stress free, but a little disoriented - might want to do this with someone who can help you, I got paralyzed for doing too damn much! Didn't help much with back pain or PMS/cramps, but I had some nice cold pack feelings on my spine from an injury I had last year. I'd suggest beginners to use this with a buddy, moderate you might be fine, and heavy smokers you'll enjoy the high!

Blue Diamond

I got this "platinum" version. The smell was very platinum as expected. Smells super fuchi, dank, deep berries, and pine mixed in with some fertilizer. Packed 1/2 a bowl and it was a pretty smooth and light smoke, tasted like flower petals, sweet, piney, dank, and raw bell peppers... mmmm! This helped with inflammation and asthma - I could breathe pretty decently on this. Helped with my back pain 4/5, my spine injuries 5/5, and I didn't cough once. It didn't help with nerve pain or other muscle pain - just the back (which is great for someone who needs back relief). I felt the peek, was nice - got stoned, was a creeper though.

Ancient OG

Smelled so much like pine + sherbet ice cream! Packed 1/2 a bowl in my glass, tastes like sweet pine and roasted pez candies - if that existed. Nice smooth and light smoke - nice for beginners. The high went straight to my head and my mouth was non-stop salivating. Felt clear headed, no anxiety, super relaxed - no stress, super aware, but it was like a lucid dream. I know I was there, but it didn't feel real... Helped with my nerve pain a bit 3/5 and helped with inflammation a bit 3/5. Was a nice stoney high, but it didn't really help with all my pain.

Venom OG

Fuchi AF! Smelled heavy on pine, dank, skunky, pungent, but there was that nice berry scent and a bit of sweet citrus. Tasted sweet, piney, flowery, woody, and like prechewed lemon heads - the citrus was light, but not lemon pledge heavy. The smoke was nice and smooth, easy to take in. This strain was amazing for muscle spasms and pain, nerve pain, back pain, helped me not feel my dislocated ribs, and helped with inflammation because my Costochondritis pain went away. The downside is I became extremely emotional and zoned out a lot, super spacy. Personally, I don't like crying like a bitch all of the time and this made me do that. I want to make a point and say I didn't have any seizures while medicated on this strain, I don't know whether or not it 'helped' and it's coincidence that I just haven't had any - but I wanted to throw that out there just in case it helps someone else.

Conspiracy Kush

This gave me a pretty good trip, I didn't know where I was for about 10 seconds, but I came back. Melted nerve pain almost instantly, with the first bong hit. This made me tired, but not enough to pass out. I was very relaxed, no stress, no worries, no nerve pain, lowered overall pain a few notches, but I did cough a bit. This had odd flavors of pine and stainless steel.... maybe that's chemical? I don't know, that was the closest metal I could think of. This was a great strain, I'd definitely grab this again!!

UK Cheese

Amazing for PMS and severe cramps (Endometriosis). This week has been very, very stressful and tough. UK Cheese was very nice, totally reminds me of Banana OG, minus the euphoric high. This is a very functional high, with the added benefits of 75% pain relief. My cramps are down to a 2/5 in pain, instead of 6/5, yeah I know what I typed. Helped a ton with inflammation and other body pain. My body melted after 1/4 a bowl and I just feel cold gel packs all over. This took 100% of my spine pain away during the smoke, but after I was done smoking it, the pain came back. Thought that was interesting, so I had to add it. Tasted a little heavy, pine, peppery, but I didn't get any cheese flavor.... honestly that's why I got it lol, I wanted to taste something different and I didn't get it.... But it's still an amazing pain relieving strain!! Totally recommending this for any type of pain, except nerve pain. I went deaf for a few minutes, just a heads up.

DJ Short Blueberry

This was a good "put you to bed" strain. Doesn't 'put' you to sleep, but you just want to get comfortable, lay in bed, cuddle up with lots of blankets, and watch tv in bed then pass out later. I don't remember this helping me with any type of pain. It did put a cold sensation in my entire body though, like I felt cold inside. I had 1/2 a bowl and it tasted like sweet pine, a little chemical taste, but other than that it was sweet. I didn't taste berries or fruit, it was more like just sweet, pine, and honey with a pungent, chemical aftertaste. This was a "low shelf" item where I got it from and it was still really good. If I try a higher quality, I'm sure I'd give it 5 stars.... but my point is, it's just a great strain for sleep, even at bottom shelf status.