
member since 2019

Recent Reviews2 total


Northern Lights was my lover! Kissy kissy I love you, always make me feel snugly. I then found Superglue. I was scared at first, all these reviews about how strong it is. I was out of NL so superglue it was. Unlike NL, it makes you very numb but yet you want to do stupid stuff (can we cuss here) like talk to the scary neighbor that is on his roof in the dark, late at night, laying in a combat position. Next thing you are doing is thinking it was 1 min, it was 10 but wait aren't you cooking, oh hell i gotta review this real quick, OMG i love this song, i gotta finish this review. Why did I write all that? It almost sounds as if I am doing this for the high. What you dont know is that I have such an over active, creative, scientific, developed, and corvette like mind that I can't even sit still for a minute before this high IQ, mistaken for an anxiety disorder, OCD, and others. This strain, yes it is strong but not overwhelming. I am literally not cycling through several parts of my mind in 1 min because it has stalled the very oppression that while impressive, if not genius, is still overwhelming and perhaps anxiety driven. You want to slow down, want to smile just because, cook, laugh, feel zero pain, and after hours of smoking it forget everything you had done hours ago but know you are fulfilled, and go to bed with such euphoria that you are as comfortable as that child that just had a night of barbie play, then do not fear, please be strong enough to try this strain.

Northern Lights

I have extreme OCD. I tried Stativa and almost gave up on pot forever, it made me so paranoid i wanted to go to the ER. I tried NL and everything changed. I will now tell you what NL will do for someone that has severe anxiety and THC sensitivity. You can taste a woodsy flavor, and the smell is so strong you will have non pot smokers drooling. You probably should take only 2 hits at first until you figure it out. You just kinda chill and listen to Metallica, then you'll go outside and stare at the sky and smell things you forgot you could smell, then you'll be outside smiling and feeling like you're all alone on earth, but then you all a sudden see someone and you get all chatty and make up words that dont really exist and they just look at you like you are alien. Oh I invented "Totfries" on this shit. It's tots and fries mashed together.....anyway, then you come in from outside and you try so hard to play mario but yeah you run backwards which sucks cause it takes 1 hour to finish a level but you think you just started like 5 min ago....."wait is that my jab...yeah stevie nicks" now you are singing really bad in your karoke mic and dancing some river dance shit that you had no idea you knew, then you go "wheres my beer" and you find two. no biggie your thirsty. Then back to mario we think we started 5 min ago and then you hear a random squeaking and go "what is that" for about 2 hours, and you're still on level 1 of mario but you got some nice totfries in the kitchen and 2 beers somewhere, maybe 3 now. Then shit, the fun is over cause about 4 hours later you are so sedated that you try to watch netflix in bed but you drop the ipad and find it tomorrow. Basically, if you want to spend the night not knowing shit, caring, and feeling like a teen ager and making up new languages then this is the strand for you.