
member since 2015

Recent Reviews3 total

Columbia River Herbals LLC

Wish I had something positive to say, I'm not "out to get" this dispensary. That said, I will not be visiting them again. The problem is not the atmosphere (sparse, dimly lit and feels like a half-empty gift shop) or the strains (very few popular or known strains) or the staff (cordial at best, friendly would not be my description). It's the contract you must sign if you want to purchase medical cannabis. They ask you to agree to a whole page of clauses, I counted about 16. For the most part, all these clauses basically say that you agree to comply with all the OMMP laws-- but by being an OMMP patient you've already made this same agreement with the State of Oregon, violating which is of course punishable by law. That this dispensary wants you to also enter into a legal contract with them is very odd. And yes, it is in fact a legal contract-- at the very bottom it has the whole "I, being of sound mind and body, blah blah agree to everything blah blah" section. What gave me the most problem was Clause 14. This states that you agree to "defend" the dispensary in multiple ways, including legally, in the event the dispensary is subject to legal proceedings. Yes, that's right, you must agree to testify in a court of law in defense of the dispensary if they are ever sued or charged with a crime. It doesn't matter if you are on their side or not, you're legally bound to defend them in court-- or they can sue you! I politely refused to sign the form, citing the problem with Clause 14, and walked out. I will not return to this business ever again, unless this policy of signing a contract to purchase medicine is rescinded. I highly recommend no one else patronize them until they publicly announce that they've done away with the contract. It is not in any patient's best interest for this policy to be in place.

Purple Afghani

When grown right, this is possibly the best Indica-dominant medical strain out there. Pungent, sweet earthy smell not unlike a combination of coffee and berries, smoke is delicious, rich, spicy and sweet. Beautiful, multicolored buds tinged with purple, just dense enough to be easy to break up for smoking. Smokes well every which way-- joints, bingers, pipes, bubblers, you name it. Medically it's my go-to strain, the best I've found yet for treating PTSD, insomnia, anxiety, depression, nausea, and appetite loss. For me, it's not as couch-locky as a lot of Indicas, it leaves me properly medicated but functional. Unfortunately in Oregon it seems to be available in only two cities and neither are Portland. It's not a common strain but it's of uncommon quality. Highly recommended, if you can find it, you'll fall head over heels in love like I have!

Stonehenge Cannabis

Of the two cannabis stores in Klickitat County (as of March 2015) this is the better one. This place is oriented towards the modern cannabis consumer. They have fresher flowers, better prices, a cleaner, more modern feel, and from what I can tell, more knowledgeable staff. If you want an old hippie vibe with cluttered shelves, jacked up prices, staff who turn to Leafly to tell you about the strains they're selling, and far too many products to choose from then go to Bingen. You won't be finding your buddy's 2-year-old freezer Cheese at Stonehenge or even last year's outdoor harvest, which the other store can't say about all their products. The two products I purchased were both labeled as having been produced in 2015. And when I got home I found there was complimentary glass pipe in my bag, which was a very nice touch! But the icing on the cake is that this store actually has a Mount Hood and Columbia River view right at the register, unlike the other store that has drawn shades and only artificial lighting with pot posters for decoration. While this location is a bit sparse inside with a fair amount of open space, it doesn't feel empty so much as very very roomy. But don't be mistaken, there are enough strains and products to keep most people happy, including CBD-dominant as well as the usual high THC cannabis, plus prerolls, concentrates, edibles, and a small selection of utensils. I am quite happy I stopped in and probably won't be going back to the other Klickitat County cannabis store. Oh, and I'm NOT an employee, just a happy customer who wants to set the record straight about this business. It's a winner in my book!