
member since 2012

Recent Reviews2 total

$100 OG

haven't made an appointment yet, looking forward to being able to next month, so i can't write a strain review yet. :)

Deep Purple

i've suffered from panic and anxiety, depression, insomnia weight loss with loss of appitie and migranes since i was eight. tried a plethera of phsych meds for twenty plus years with no relief; in fact the side effects have caused me more harm than any benifits the loss of jobs and even seizures when the docs cant get you refills on time. i've had to call the crisis line a couple of times because they could not scedule an appointment in time to fill the meds they said i should not stop taking, worst withdrawl ever. i'm 50 years old now and not taking the phych meds any more, the side effects were worse and damaged my thyroid, high colesteral, tartive disconisia (SP) etc.;the meds never helped all that much with my conditions anyhow. i'm so tired of not sleeping through the night and waiking up in a panic; sometimes i have anxiety so bad it is paralizing. i've even had histerical blindness, would have never believed that could accually happen till it happened to me after my husband and father of four passed away in 1994 when my children were 1,3,8 and13. i pray that you can help me, and i look forward to meeting with you and your staff. thankyou, Heather P.S. i have not tried Deep purple or any yet, have to schedule an appointmant