
member since 2015

Recent Reviews4 total

Go Time

I love this strain. I've only ever had it grown by Walden. What interested me in this strain wasn't the high Thca content (32%) but the 5 % CBG. I don't usually like high energy sativa like strains, but this one is fantastic! It has a very positive uplifting energetic vibe that just makes me apreciate being alive. That's the only way I can explain it. It just makes you glad to be alive. I definitely suggest trying this strain. especially if you can get it from Walden. I haven't noticed any negative effect either. Energetic strains usually make me very anxious, but this one reduces my anxiety even a few days after I've smoked it. It's awesome!


I needed a new sleepy time weed because no one in my area has hash plant and I stumbled across this gem. Not really a knock out like I was hoping, but still really great stuff! This is seriously the first weed I've had that tasted great. It really is sweet and piney. I feel very focused if I smoke the right amount... Smoke a little more and my anxiety melts away from my body. 10 out of 10 would bang.

Hawaiian Dream

This is one of my favorite strains. I've never been uncomfortably high after smoking this, Which is something I'm always cautious of. I'd recommend it for new smokers and lightweights like myself. It's a very clear and light high, so you can remain active and functional. I think my favorite thing about this strain is that it just puts me in a great mood. I wouldn't call it euphoric... it makes you feel like you're having a really good day. It's nice :) Great for my anxiety and depression.


I couldn't use cannabis before I found this strain. Weed made me super anxious and gave me panic attacks... But this stuff is freaking awesome. It doesn't get me too high, it calms me down, and it puts me in a great mood where I seem to laugh a little easier. The high doesn't last too long but the great mood last for hours. I haven't tried it for my migraines yet, but I seem to have had fewer migraines since I started smoking it. It's hard to find at recreational dispensaries, I wish it wasn't. It's the best! Get some!