member since 2016Recent Reviews3 total
Zen Leaf - Dunlap
I do shop here often simply cuz it’s close. Quality product seems to be hit and miss, it takes keeping a regular eye on the menu. I’ve read reports of rudeness from budtenders and I too have experienced it, a couple women and the do not know their products at all! I’ve suspected some left of center practices, such as... this is where it gets good, and is my complaint. There are a few companies that package their flower product in glass jars. Love this, but when I order a said strain & it comes in an Emerald package with raped buds looking nothing like the image provided. I believe they are stealing the best part of the flower bud from us. Potencies seem extremely WEAK.
Buckeye Purple
Found this strain by accident, really liked it, beautiful colored buds - careful not to purchase those looking like sharpened pencils! Can't find this now - hope it doesn't take long to see it back on menus!