What Are You Smoking? features Leafly experts Will Hyde and Bailey Rahn, as well as guests from all corners of the cannabis industry reviewing strains, test-firing products, offering up pro tips, and answering your toughest cannabis questions.
Leafly Podcast
What Are You Smoking?
Episode 38: Perfecting Pre-Rolls With Saints Joints Founder Larry Perigo
In this episode:
This week on What Are You Smoking, Will and Bailey sit down with Larry Perigo, a founder of Saints Joints, one of our favorite pre-rolls that, not coincidentally, comes in one of our favorite packages.
We talk about collaboration in the cannabis industry, the trials of expanding a cannabis company across state lines, and the challenges of developing the perfect blend of products for a concentrate-infused pre-roll. Plus, Larry passes on some joint-rolling advice for the DIY-inclined.
If you’ve got questions for our hosts, guests you’d like to hear, or have anything else to say about the show, email us at whatareyousmoking@leafly.com.
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Strains & Products on This Episode:
Fruit Brute by Saints Joints
Rolling papers from The Highwaymen Collective
Frankenstein Terp Batter by Seattle’s Private Reserve
Infused Joints By Saints Joints and Oleum Extracts