If you haven’t tried Blue Dream for yourself, chances are you’ve at least heard of it. Our most popular strain on Leafly, Blue Dream seems to find its way into the jars of every dispensary on the West Coast and beyond. Given this strain’s celebrity status among marijuana varieties, we’ve decided to dive deeper into Blue Dream’s story to learn why this strain of all cannabis varieties has become so prevalent.
This batch of Blue Dream was grown in Seattle, Washington by Dragonfly Botanical Gardens. A classic cut of San Fernando Valley, this rendition of the strain leans toward the sativa side of the genetic spectrum, delivering a mellow euphoria and full body calm. Josh, the owner of the I-502 compliant facility, explains that there are many different phenotypes of Blue Dream, and the market is flooded with every grower’s unique variation. Peruse our user-submitted photos of Blue Dream and you’ll start to see this inconsistency.
Dragonfly Gardens’ Blue Dream, grown in an indoor soil garden, reaches for the strain’s original genetics in a flavorful and long-lasting rendering of this famous California sativa. A single dose of Dragonfly’s crystal-coated cut begins to justify Blue Dream’s popularity, but having also seen a fair share of Blue Dream mediocrity, this would seem an unlikely conclusion.
Maybe it’s Blue Dream’s ubiquitous name, or its bushy branches that make it so easy to clone. It could also be that a majority of cannabis enthusiasts prefer sativa varieties. Tests analyzing terpenes (cannabis’ therapeutic and aromatic oils) in Blue Dream find high levels of a compound called Alpha- Pinene, which contributes to the strain’s pine scent. Terpenes may even do more for our bodies than they do for our noses and taste buds; among its myriad of therapeutic benefits, Pinene gives a slight boost to energy and focus. Pinene has also been found to inhibit some of THC’s activity, allowing a calmer psychoactive onset, better memory, and improved cognitive functioning.

Dragonfly Botanical Gardens in Seattle, WA
Alas, the history of Blue Dream’s rise to glory is, for the most part, unknown. Many growers don’t understand the craze this strain has stirred in recent years, but when we consider the colorful variations and nuances of every grower’s Blue Dream, a market gorged with this sativa doesn’t seem so terrible.