This article is sponsored by PLUS Products, formulating THC and CBD gummies that deliver a precision dose every time.
PLUS Products has proudly unveiled their line of meaningfully-dosed CBD gummies, designed to make sure their customers can use CBD any time of day. With ingredients like vitamin B and melatonin, each flavor was formulated to fit a specific set of consumer needs.
Prioritizing CBD gummies
When you’ve already created a smash-hit THC gummy line, there are only a few ways you can follow up. For PLUS, the obvious answer was a line of CBD gummies that would continue to encourage precision dosing – the company’s concept of responsible and predictable cannabis dosing.
Recreating success in the cannabis industry isn’t an easy feat, and the company took its responsibilities seriously.

“Simply put, we triangulated insights gathered from scientific literature, our internal research and development, and consumer testing to craft smart product profiles. Our precision dosing technology allows us to deliver cannabis’ promise to the customer in a safe and pleasing way, along with great taste,” says Ari Mackler, PLUS’ Chief Science Officer.
The gummies themselves were developed with a three-prong approach, resulting in flavors that promote balance, uplift, and sleep.
A deep dive into flavor
Plus chose their most popular flavor as the starting point for their Balance CBD gummies. The blueberry flavoring was a no-brainer due to how well it complements CBD.

Next came Uplift, a flavor created to help with energy during the day. It was a natural extension for the company, who needed a bright and vibrant way to emphasize the effects of the product. The addition of vitamin B was a nod to the millions of people that use it as a health and wellness supplement.

Last, but certainly not least, was the Sleep formula, made to help anyone needing a few more zzz’s. The sleep gurus added their know-how to the formulation of these CBD gummies in a significant way. “Appreciating the synergistic effect of CBD and melatonin, sleep was an obvious goal. There’s no denying the science that explains why good sleep is necessary for good health,” says Mackler.

By centering the experience of the user, the company aims to show consumers how they can easily find a baseline that helps them more deeply understand their body’s needs. While some people prefer to freestyle their cannabinoid intake, PLUS products were made for those who want to keep control over their dosing every step of the way.
“Our CBD only products offerings include our Balance formula which contains 50mg of CBD, the Sleep formula which contains 25mg of CBD and 1mg of melatonin, and the Uplift formula, which contains 50mg of CBD and Vitamin B,” Mackler says. “These products all provide ingredients in specific, incremental amounts so that the consumer can adjust their intake to best suit their goals. The consumer can enjoy 1 or 2, 3 or more gummies to achieve the final amount that is just right for them.”
Evolving CBD science for customers
Discerning customers can use science as a way to gather thoughtful information about the product they are choosing to put into their bodies. As we all continue to learn more about CBD, PLUS will continue to keep science at the forefront of their product development.
In Mackler’s words: “As part of the scientific community, we are working to understand how consumers will integrate CBD into their health and wellness. Relying on the research literature, we understand that CBD can help people. An important component of the scientific story is correct dosing, and because of our precision dosing technology, we had the opportunity to do CBD the right way for the consumer.”