Leafly Canada holiday gift guide: Gifts for parents
Leafly Canada StaffPublished on November 28, 2019· Last updated July 28, 2020
Photos by Jesse Milns
Imagine this: it’s Christmas Eve, and the kids are nestled snug in their beds, while visions of Baby Shark dolls dance in their heads. Whatever’s on their list, it’s wrapped and ready. Meanwhile, moms and dads are ready to wrap one last thing—a joint, for themselves.
If that sounds like you or a parent on your gift list, these Canadian cannabis accessories are sure to delight!
Krush A’Dore Biometric stash storage
They say the best things come in small packages, but when you’re a cannabis-loving parent, the best small packages get stashed in a black walnut case that can be digitally monitored from afar for ultra-secure storage. This is an especially useful device for parents looking to keep their edibles secure, or to keep teenaged or young adult children out of their stash—using the latest in biometric fingerprint security, it won’t open unless you’re there to open it.
Kids smell lies like a bee detects terpenes, it’s a natural fact. Thankfully, you don’t have to fib about the nature of this cute little device if a child asks what it is. Yes, it looks like a pipe and it smokes like a pipe, but you can go ahead and tell them it’s an incense holder because that is also 100% true.
Kids gravitate towards shiny, pretty things, but this utilitarian grinder is at once effective, practical—and from a child’s perspective—boring. Bonus: this device quashes the temptation to bust up weed with the kids’ craft scissors.
When little ones ask about this World’s Best Dab mug, all its lucky recipient need do is a dab—the dance move, not the cannabis concentrate—on the spot. The kids will roll their eyes, and that’s perfect—it will be another decade or so before they realize that sometimes the best way to enjoy your legit street cred is to hide it from your kids.
Fanny packs have been trending for a few years now, but millennials only have to look at old film photos of their folks to realize who exactly was ahead of the…pack. This lockable case has compartments for convenient storage and retrieval of your accessories, joints, and ancillary items.
Remember when a toilet paper roll covered in dryer sheets was the only thing coming between your joint smoking habit and certain discovery? Now that weed is legal you don’t have to hide your smoke, but you may want to filter it. This grownup and technologically-advanced variation on ye old toilet-paper-filter, promises to transform the smoke and smell of an exhale into clean air.
The kids are tucked in, and it’s the perfect time for a toke, but baby, it’s cold outside! If only there were a convenient, Canadian-designed device that would allow you to consume cannabis inside without creating a smoky byproduct. Call it a Christmas miracle, or call it a vaporizer, but if healthier inhalation is the name of your cannabis game, this little puffer has you covered.
What do you do when your kids unexpectedly wake up and demand a story after you’ve puffed, and your mouth feels like a sack of cotton balls? You pop a dry mouth lozenge and go get your Goodnight Moon on, that’s what you do.
Parents stash their weed supplies well out of childrens’ reach, but in the unlikely event this silicone pipe finds itself where it shouldn’t be, it’s durable enough to resist being dropped without smashing.