The Roll-Up features Leafly editors Bruce Barcott, Ben Adlin, and Dave Schmader in a Friday morning roundtable about the week’s top cannabis news.
Leafly Podcast
The Roll-Up
Episode 27: Gene Simmons Did Not Endorse This Podcast
This week: Drug Policy Alliance Executive Director Maria McFarland Sánchez-Moreno drops in on the show, Jeff Sessions gets his Time magazine cover, Ben visits The Goodship, Dave delves into the High Times story-stealing controversy, and Bruce talks about hemp and hell.
What, are you not familiar with the show? Every Friday, Leafly editors Bruce Barcott, Ben Adlin, and Dave Schmader dissect the week’s top stories in cannabis with analysis, arguments, jokes, and obscure cultural references.
The Roll-Up: It’s a news and culture podcast that hits the sweet spot between stoned and scholarly.
Feedback? We love feedback. Tell us what you loved, what you hated, and what we should talk about next. Email us at
News Stories Mentioned in Episode 27:
There Are No Dead Here: A Story of Murder and Denial in Columbia
Maria McFarland Sánchez-Moreno’s book is available at bookstores and on Amazon.
“In her masterful work, Maria McFarland Sanchez-Moreno unravels the intrigue, politics, and history between Colombia’s government and its paramilitaries. Through her precise reporting and elegant prose, There Are No DeadHere paints a vivid and harrowing portrait of three brave individuals who, despite death threats and great risk to themselves and their families, expose some of their country’s darkest secrets. This book is a must for anyone fascinated by Colombia’s complex history.”―Melissa del Bosque, author of Bloodlines
Gene Simmons explains his $10 million investment in Invictus:
This Week’s Corrections & Confirmations
Corrections: Invictus has said that the company is not using Gene Simmons’ investment as a marketing ploy. At the same time, the company did just change its ticker on the TSX Venture Exchange from IMH to GENE. Also, it turns out that the Pope probably did not say that hell doesn’t exist.
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Showing you dispensaries nearConfirmations: Patrick M. Kelly, former president of the California State Bar Association, was indeed a guitarist for the Beach Boys. Vin Scully’s call of the 9th inning of Sandy Koufax’s 1965 perfect game is, indeed, one of the finest stretches of play-by-play ever recorded, and you can listen to it here.
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