Health Canada has finally released the proposed regulations for edible cannabis products, extracts, and topicals that will be introduced to the market by Oct. 17, 2019.
Still subject to public and industry consultations, the proposed regulations set limits for the amount of THC each type of product can contain as well as rules, packaging, and labeling of products.Explore the World’s Largest Strain Database While the final regulations won’t be tabled until sometime after consultations conclude on Feb. 20, 2019, the first draft suggests what Canadians can expect once the next wave of cannabis products is permitted.
Edibles & Beverages
The initial proposal seeks to limit THC content for infused edibles and beverages to a maximum of 10 mg per package, while ingestible extracts, such as capsules, would be limited to 10 mg of THC per unit.
If passed, it means that Canadians would find all cannabis-infused products sold essentially as individual servings and would be required to consume multiple products to achieve a higher dose.
The new rules would also ban added vitamins, minerals, and alcohol in edibles and beverages, as well as apply limits on caffeine.
Stringent packaging seeks to see ingestibles sold in plain, child-resistant packaging that would be required to bear a standardized cannabis symbol, health warning message, and CBD and THC content, along with ingredient lists, nutrition fact tables, and allergens.
When it comes to cannabis extracts in inhalable forms and THC concentrates, the first draft of regulations seek to establish a limit of 1,000 mg of THC per package.
No added sugar, sweeteners, or colouring will be permitted in ingestible and inhalable extracts. Nicotine and caffeine will also be banned.
Like edibles, the government would implement plain, child-resistant packaging that clearly identifies intended uses along with the standardized cannabis symbol, health warning message, CBD and THC content, and a list of ingredients and allergens.
The proposed regulations also address cannabis-infused products for external applications including products for use on skin, hair, and nails–excluding use in eyes or on damaged skin.
Infused topicals will be required to contain only cosmetic-grade ingredients and limit THC content to 1,000 mg of THC per package. These products will be required to indicate the intended use along with directions and will also display the standardized cannabis symbol, health warning message, and CBD and THC content, along with ingredient lists, and allergens along with a secondary warning about not swallowing or using on broken skin.

In addition to the stringent packaging requirements, all of the aforementioned products will be restricted in making health or dietary claims, may not appeal to kids, and must be free of any elements associated with alcoholic beverages or alcohol brands.