The United States is still under cannabis prohibition at the federal level, but you may have noticed that CBD has really hit the mainstream in the last couple of years. That’s thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill, which cleared the way for hemp-derived products in all 50 states, independent of the status of recreational marijuana.
Most CBD producers that set up shop after the Farm Bill focus solely on CBD. But just like with cannabis, the whole hemp plant works better together when the entire constellation of natural compounds contained in the plant are present, inclusive of a legally-permitted amount of THC (<0.3%).
This is what defines five CBD, makers of true full-spectrum CBD supplements containing a 5:1 ratio of CBD to minor hemp compounds and terpenes that produce a relaxing effect within an hour of consuming.

Unlike traditional CBD products that don’t have an immediate effect that you can “feel,” five products are some of the most potent in minor cannabinoids on the market. five Daily Buzz Gummies, for example, contains 5mg of THC. This is achieved by utilizing the highest-quality hemp extracts and not diluting them with cheaper CBD isolates.
While some people may complain that they tried CBD and it “didn’t work”, five is here to set the story straight. You can “feel” their CBD products because they have the right blend of cannabinoids. And, because federal regulations allow for trace amounts of THC in hemp-based supplements, full-spectrum products like five can still ship nationwide.
Why do I need THC in my CBD product?

With CBD’s rising popularity, there’s a common myth: CBD exclusively, is the beneficial cannabinoid while THC should be avoided due to its intoxicating effects. In reality, THC has significant therapeutic properties of its own, especially when paired with CBD.
In both traditional cannabis and industrial hemp, CBD and THC exist as part of an interconnected network of plant compounds that enhance one another. This includes lesser-known cannabinoids like CBN, CBC, and CBG, along with terpenes and flavonoids. More simply: Together, they’re greater than the sum of their parts.
CBD isolate—that’s CBD completely on its own, as it’s found in many hemp-based products—doesn’t have that same interplay. five CBD’s Full Spectrum products, on the other hand, contain cannabis’s whole ecosystem, and the rich effects that come with it.
THC legality
The Federal Regulations guiding hemp and hemp products is strict: THC may not exceed more than 0.3% of the dry weight of the hemp or its final products; that’s little enough to avoid being intoxicating,
but sufficient to foster the entourage effect—CBD can mitigate the negative side effects of THC.
A widely-cited 2006 study by cannabis researchers Ethan Russo and Geoffrey Guy notes that both THC and CBD have anti-inflammatory potential. When combined, CBD can actually counteract THC’s psychoactive side effects like anxiety and sleepiness. Together, according to Russo and Guy, they could be more beneficial and better-tolerated than either would be on their own.
CBD gummies you can feel

When you see a 5:1 gummy in a recreational dispensary, it tends to refer to a 5:1 ratio of CBD to THC—but cannabis has so much more going on. In five’s Full Spectrum Gummies, 5:1 refers to the ratio of CBD to a select variety of minor hemp compounds, inclusive of THC and other beneficial cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids.
Meanwhile, five’s flagship product, The Daily Buzz Gummy, is a potent combination of 50mg CBD, 5mg THC, along with other cannabinoids and beneficial hemp compounds.
“These gummies make you feel relaxed and less stressed,” says J.P. Larsen, five CBD, Founder. “2020 has been a tough year for nearly everyone. We made these gummies to help you unwind after a long, stressful day.”
five’s products won’t get you high, but you will feel them. Their 5:1 ratio sets them apart from other CBD products on the market that are diluted and less effective. five offers regular strength gummies with 25mg CBD, extra strength with 50mg CBD (The Daily Buzz), and sleep gummies with 25mg CBD and 3mg melatonin. They also offer deliciously flavored oils and gelcaps.